>From: Laurenz Albe <laurenz.albe@cybertec.at> >Sent: Monday, February 17, 2020 10:53 AM >To: Lars Aksel Opsahl <Lars.Opsahl@nibio.no>; pgsql-performance@lists.postgresql.org <pgsql-performance@lists.postgresql.org> >Subject: Re: SubtransControlLock and performance problems > >Lars Aksel Opsahl wrote: >> What happens is that after some minutes the CPU can fall to maybe 20% usage and most of >> the threads are blocked by SubtransControlLock, and when the number SubtransControlLock >> goes down the CPU load increases again. The jobs usually goes through without any errors, >> but it takes to long time because of the SubtransControlLock blocks. > >That's typically a sign that you are using more than 64 subtransactions per transaction. > >That could either be SAVEPOINT SQL statements or PL/pgSQL code with blocks >containing the EXCEPTION clause. > >The data structure in shared memory that holds information for each session >can cache 64 subtransactions, beyond that it has to access "pg_subtrans" to get > the required information, which leads to contention. > > Often the problem is caused by a misguided attempt to wrape every single > statement in a subtransaction to emulate the behavior of other database > systems, for example with the "autosave = always" option of the JDBC driver. > > The solution is to use fewer subtransactions per transaction. >
I have tested in branch ( https://github.com/larsop/resolve-overlap-and-gap/tree/add_postgis_topology_using_func) where I use only have functions and no procedures and I still have the same problem with subtransaction locks.
Can I based on this assume that the problem is only related to exceptions ?
Does this mean that if have 32 threads running in parallel and I get 2 exceptions in each thread I have reached a state where I will get contention ?
Is it any way increase from 64 to a much higher level, when compiling the code ?
Basically what I do here is that I catch exceptions when get them and tries to solve the problem in a alternative way.
Thanks a lot. Lars