>You cannot run several queries in parallel in a PostgreSQL function.
>You may want to have a look at PL/Proxy which might be used for things like that. > >Yours, >Laurenz Albe >-- >Cybertec | https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com Hi Laurenz
The code below takes 3, seconds
$body$ DECLARE BEGIN EXECUTE 'SELECT pg_sleep(1); SELECT pg_sleep(1); SELECT pg_sleep(1);'; END $body$; Do you or anybody know if there are any plans for a function call that support the calling structure below or something like it and that then could finish in 1 second ?
(If you
are calling a void function, the return value should not be any problem.)
$body$ DECLARE command_string_list text[3]; BEGIN command_string_list[0] = 'SELECT pg_sleep(1)'; command_string_list[1] = 'SELECT pg_sleep(1)'; command_string_list[2] = 'SELECT pg_sleep(1)'; EXECUTE_PARALLEL command_string_list; END $body$; The
only way to this today as I understand it, is to open 3 new connections back to the database which you can be done in different ways.
If we had a parallel functions like the one above it's easier
to make parallel sql without using complex scripts, java, python or other system.