Hi, On 11/14/19 1:04 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
As of v12, that WITH will get flattened, so that you still end up with three invocations of jsonb_path_query_first, as EXPLAIN VERBOSE will show you. You could write "WITH foo AS MATERIALIZED ..." to prevent that, but then you'll need to stick the WHERE clause inside the WITH or you'll end up running jsonb_path_query_first for every row of tbl. With explain verbose WITH foo AS materialized (select id, col1, col2, jsonb_path_query_first(data,'$.lvl1.lvl2.lvl3.lvl4.lvl5') as jsondata from tbl where id = 1 ) select col1, col2, jsondata->'val1'->'text()' as val1, jsondata->'val2'->'text()' as val2, jsondata->'val3'->'text()' as val3 from foo;
Thanks Tom ! This works :) I owe you one. Best regards, Jesper