Thanks for the help. In our prod environment, we shouldn't be planning unnecessarily. Our app uses the extended query protocol (prepare/bind/exec) to call pg/plsql stored procedures. I left out a lot of context and background in my question, because I hoped it simplified things. I might have left out too much though. Immediately after we upgraded our prod database from postgres 9.6 to 10, it started using 2-3x more cpu with no change in requests per second. We have a load test for this app / database; using it we eventually discovered the effect of having stats on the bag_type table. After that, It made sense that the upgrade triggered this, as a step in the upgrade process is to run analyze new cluster. I experimented with changing the per column statistics value. Setting name and game to 0, results in no stats for those columns, and the planner choosing the better plan. Pretty much any other set of values resulted in the more expensive plan. I'm not sure if this is fixing the problem, or hiding the problem, but it's definitely less fragile than hoping the table never gets analyzed. --Thanks --Jeremy On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 10:04 PM David Rowley <david.rowley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > On Tue, 21 May 2019 at 08:23, Jeremy Altavilla > <jeremyaltavilla@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > > > Thanks for the suggestion. I created extended statistics objects for the two tables in question. Unfortunately the resulting plan was the same (and had the same estimates). It looks like the extended stats discovered a potentially useful correlation on bag: "2, 3 => 1" (owner_id, bag_type_id => id). I'm guessing this wasn't usable because the docs state "They are not used to improve estimates for equality conditions comparing two columns". > > I'd say that since the time spent planning is near 3x what is spent > during execution that you're wasting your time trying to speed up the > execution. What you should be thinking about is using PREPAREd > statements to avoid the planning overhead completely. If that's not > possible then you've more chance of reducing the time spent planning > by reducing the statistics on the table rather than adding more > planning overhead by adding extended stats. You might want to > experiment with ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN ... SET STATISTICS ..; > and setting those down a bit then analyzing the tables again. > Although, that's likely only going to make a very small difference, if > any, than getting rid of the planning completely. > > -- > David Rowley > PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services