Generic Plans for Prepared Statement are 158155 times slower than Custom Plans

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Since Postgres 9.2, for prepared statements, the CBO automatically switches from Custom Plan to Generic plan on the sixth iteration (reference backend/utils/cache/plancache.c).

I am observing that the Generic plan for Prepared statement requires 5544.701 ms to execute where as custom plan for same query requires 3.497 ms.

The cost of execution is reduced from 402 (custom plan) to 12.68 (generic plan).

However the execution time has gone up from 3.497 ms to 5544.701 ms.


Below are the details about this use case.


Postgres version - PostgreSQL 9.6.6, compiled by Visual C++ build 1800, 64-bit

1.      Full Table and Index Schema -

                            Table "public.t776"

   Column    |  Type   | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target | Description


c1          | citext  | not null  | extended |              |

c2          | citext  |           | extended |              |                                                                         

c3          | integer |           | plain    |              |

c4          | citext  |           | extended |              |

c5          | citext  | not null  | extended |              |

c6          | integer |           | plain    |              |

c7          | integer |           | plain    |              |

c8          | citext  | not null  | extended |              |

c112        | citext  |           | extended |              |

c179        | citext  |           | extended |              |

c60513      | citext  |           | extended |              |

c60914      | citext  |           | extended |              |

c60989      | citext  |           | extended |              |

c200000001  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c200000003  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c200000004  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c200000005  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c200000020  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c200003000  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c240000007  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c240000008  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c240001002  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c240001003  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c240001005  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c260100002  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c300927600  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c301002800  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c301002900  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c301003400  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c301047700  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c301047800  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c301089100  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c301118000  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c301136600  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c301136800  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c301136900  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c301137000  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c301137100  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c301137200  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c301137300  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c301137400  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c301172600  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c301186800  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c400079600  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c400124500  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c400127400  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c400128800  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c400128900  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c400129100  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c400129200  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c400130900  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c400131000  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c400131200  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c400131300  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c490001289  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c490008000  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c490008100  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c490009000  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c490009100  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c530010100  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c530010200  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c530014300  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c530014400  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c530014500  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c530019500  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c530031600  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c530032500  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c530035000  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c530035200  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c530041601  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c530054200  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c530054400  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c530058400  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c530058500  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c530059800  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c530060100  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c530060200  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c530062400  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c530067430  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c530067920  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c530067930  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c530068090  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c530070390  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c530071130  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c530071180  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c530072336  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c530074016  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c200000006  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c200000007  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c200000012  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c240001004  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c260000001  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c260000005  | citext  |           | extended |              |

c260400003  | integer |           | plain    |              |

c1000000001 | citext  |           | extended |              |


    "pk_t776" PRIMARY KEY, btree (c1)

    "i776_0_179_t776" UNIQUE, btree (c179)

    "i776_0_200000001_t776" btree (c200000001)

    "i776_0_240001002_t776" btree (c240001002)

    "i776_0_301186800_t776" btree (c301186800, c400127400)

    "i776_0_400079600_1136943505_t776" btree (c400079600, c530041601, c179)

    "i776_0_400079600_t776" btree (c400079600)

    "i776_0_400129200_1337395809_t776" btree (c400129200, c400129100)

    "i776_0_400129200_t776" btree (c400129200, c400129100, c400127400, c1)

    "i776_0_400131200_t776" btree (c400131200)

    "i776_0_400131300_t776" btree (c400131300)

    "i776_0_530010100_t776" btree (c530010100, c400127400)

    "i776_0_530060100_207771634_t776" btree (c530060100, c6, c400129200)

    "i776_0_530060100_t776" btree (c530060100, c6, c400129100, c400129200)

    "i776_0_530060200_t776" btree (c530060200, c400127400)

Check constraints:

    "len_c1" CHECK (length(c1::text) <= 15)

    "len_c112" CHECK (length(c112::text) <= 255)

    "len_c179" CHECK (length(c179::text) <= 38)

    "len_c2" CHECK (length(c2::text) <= 254)

    "len_c200000001" CHECK (length(c200000001::text) <= 254)

    "len_c200000003" CHECK (length(c200000003::text) <= 60)

    "len_c200000004" CHECK (length(c200000004::text) <= 60)

    "len_c200000005" CHECK (length(c200000005::text) <= 60)

    "len_c200000020" CHECK (length(c200000020::text) <= 254)

    "len_c240000007" CHECK (length(c240000007::text) <= 254)

    "len_c240001002" CHECK (length(c240001002::text) <= 254)

    "len_c240001003" CHECK (length(c240001003::text) <= 254)

    "len_c240001005" CHECK (length(c240001005::text) <= 254)

    "len_c301002800" CHECK (length(c301002800::text) <= 254)

    "len_c301002900" CHECK (length(c301002900::text) <= 254)

    "len_c301003400" CHECK (length(c301003400::text) <= 255)

    "len_c301047700" CHECK (length(c301047700::text) <= 254)

    "len_c301047800" CHECK (length(c301047800::text) <= 38)

    "len_c301089100" CHECK (length(c301089100::text) <= 80)

    "len_c301136600" CHECK (length(c301136600::text) <= 254)

    "len_c301136800" CHECK (length(c301136800::text) <= 254)

    "len_c301137100" CHECK (length(c301137100::text) <= 254)

    "len_c301137200" CHECK (length(c301137200::text) <= 254)

    "len_c301137300" CHECK (length(c301137300::text) <= 254)

    "len_c301137400" CHECK (length(c301137400::text) <= 254)

    "len_c301186800" CHECK (length(c301186800::text) <= 254)

    "len_c4" CHECK (length(c4::text) <= 254)

    "len_c400079600" CHECK (length(c400079600::text) <= 38)

    "len_c400127400" CHECK (length(c400127400::text) <= 127)

    "len_c400128800" CHECK (length(c400128800::text) <= 255)

    "len_c400128900" CHECK (length(c400128900::text) <= 255)

    "len_c400129200" CHECK (length(c400129200::text) <= 38)

    "len_c400130900" CHECK (length(c400130900::text) <= 38)

    "len_c400131000" CHECK (length(c400131000::text) <= 38)

    "len_c400131200" CHECK (length(c400131200::text) <= 255)

    "len_c400131300" CHECK (length(c400131300::text) <= 255)

    "len_c490001289" CHECK (length(c490001289::text) <= 127)

    "len_c490008000" CHECK (length(c490008000::text) <= 40)

    "len_c490008100" CHECK (length(c490008100::text) <= 40)

    "len_c490009000" CHECK (length(c490009000::text) <= 40)

    "len_c490009100" CHECK (length(c490009100::text) <= 40)

    "len_c5" CHECK (length(c5::text) <= 254)

    "len_c530010100" CHECK (length(c530010100::text) <= 254)

    "len_c530010200" CHECK (length(c530010200::text) <= 254)

    "len_c530035200" CHECK (length(c530035200::text) <= 255)

    "len_c530058400" CHECK (length(c530058400::text) <= 254)

    "len_c530058500" CHECK (length(c530058500::text) <= 254)

    "len_c530059800" CHECK (length(c530059800::text) <= 255)

    "len_c530060200" CHECK (length(c530060200::text) <= 255)

    "len_c530062400" CHECK (length(c530062400::text) <= 254)

    "len_c530067930" CHECK (length(c530067930::text) <= 127)

    "len_c530071130" CHECK (length(c530071130::text) <= 128)

    "len_c530071180" CHECK (length(c530071180::text) <= 128)

    "len_c530072336" CHECK (length(c530072336::text) <= 254)

    "len_c60513" CHECK (length(c60513::text) <= 255)

    "len_c60914" CHECK (length(c60914::text) <= 255)

    "len_c60989" CHECK (length(c60989::text) <= 255)

    "len_c8" CHECK (length(c8::text) <= 254)



\d+: extra argument ">>c:/table_schemat.txt" ignored


Note : No custom functions used.



3.      SELECT relname, relpages, reltuples, relallvisible, relkind, relnatts, relhassubclass, reloptions, pg_table_size(oid) FROM pg_class WHERE relname='T776';



4.      Explain (Analyze, Buffers)-


PREPARE query (citext,citext,int,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext,citext) as








(T776.C400129200 = $1)



         T776.C400127400 = $2




(T776.C400129100 <> $3)



            T776.C400129100 IS NULL





(T776.C179 = $4)



            T776.C179 = $5




            T776.C179 = $6




            T776.C179 = $7




            T776.C179 = $8




            T776.C179 = $9




            T776.C179 = $10




            T776.C179 = $11




            T776.C179 = $12




            T776.C179 = $13




            T776.C179 = $14




            T776.C179 = $15




            T776.C179 = $16




            T776.C179 = $17




            T776.C179 = $18




            T776.C179 = $19




            T776.C179 = $20




            T776.C179 = $21




            T776.C179 = $22




            T776.C179 = $23




            T776.C179 = $24




            T776.C179 = $25




            T776.C179 = $26




            T776.C179 = $27




            T776.C179 = $28




            T776.C179 = $29




            T776.C179 = $30




            T776.C179 = $31




            T776.C179 = $32




            T776.C179 = $33




            T776.C179 = $34




            T776.C179 = $35




            T776.C179 = $36




            T776.C179 = $37




            T776.C179 = $38




            T776.C179 = $39




            T776.C179 = $40




            T776.C179 = $41




            T776.C179 = $42




            T776.C179 = $43




            T776.C179 = $44




            T776.C179 = $45




            T776.C179 = $46




            T776.C179 = $47




            T776.C179 = $48




            T776.C179 = $49




            T776.C179 = $50




            T776.C179 = $51





   T776.C1 ASC LIMIT 2001 OFFSET 0;



Explain (analyze,buffers) Execute query('0'::citext,'DATASET1M'::citext, 1,'OI-d791e838d0354ea59aa1c04622b7c8be'::citext, 'OI-44502144c7be49f4840d9d30c724f11b'::citext, 'OI-4c4f9f3bb1a344f294612cfeb1ac6838'::citext, 'OI-dd23d23ea6ca459ab6fc3256682df66a'::citext, 'OI-9239a9fa93c9459387d564940c0b4289'::citext, 'OI-f268ba1f12014f07b1b34fd9050aa92d'::citext, 'OI-8e365fa8461043a69950a638d3f3830a'::citext, 'OI-da2e9a38f45b41e9baea8c35b45577dc'::citext, 'OI-df0d9473d3934de29435d1c22fc9a269'::citext, 'OI-bd704daa55d24f12a54da6d5df68d05c'::citext, 'OI-4bed7c372fd44b2e96dd4bce44e2ab79'::citext, 'OI-4c0afdbbcb394670b8d93e39aa403e86'::citext, 'OI-d0c049f6459e4174bb4e2ea025104298'::citext, 'OI-f5fca0c13c454a04939b6f6a4871d647'::citext, 'OI-fb0e56e0b896448cbd3adff8212b3ddc'::citext, 'OI-4316868d400d450fb60bb620a89778f2'::citext, 'OI-4abdb84db1414bd1abbb66f2a35de267'::citext, 'OI-fbb28f59448d44adb65c1145b94e23fc'::citext, 'OI-02577caeab904f37b6d13bb761805e02'::citext, 'OI-ecde76cbefd847ed9602a2c875529123'::citext, 'OI-7b6e946f4e074cf6a8cd2fcec864cc3e'::citext, 'OI-55cf16be8f6e43aba7813d7dd898432c'::citext, 'OI-e1903455cdc14ce1a8f05a43ee452a7f'::citext, 'OI-81071273eacc44c4a46180be3a7d6a04'::citext, 'OI-74cf5387522b4a238483b258f3b0bb7a'::citext, 'OI-0ed0ff8956a84c598226f7e71f37f012'::citext, 'OI-7fc180b8d2944391b41ed90d70915357'::citext, 'OI-1f9e9cc0d2c4481199f98c898abf8b1b'::citext, 'OI-5dfbe9c70fe64a4080052f1d36ad654a'::citext, 'OI-ff83ae4d7a5a4906b97f2f78122324e4'::citext, 'OI-8f298f3c25c24f28943dd8cd98df748f'::citext, 'OI-78263146f1694c39935578c3fa4c6415'::citext, 'OI-ce1c830ed02540a58c3aaea265fa52af'::citext, 'OI-8dd73d417cf84827bc3708a362c7ee40'::citext, 'OI-83e223fa1b364ac8b20e396b21387758'::citext, 'OI-a6eb0ec674d242b793a26b259d15435f'::citext, 'OI-195dfbe207a64130b3bc686bfdabe051'::citext, 'OI-7ba86277cbce489694ba03c98e7d2059'::citext, 'OI-c7675935bd974244939ccac9181d9129'::citext, 'OI-64c958575289438bb86455ed81517df1'::citext, 'OI-05e14b018be14c4ea60f977f91b3fe04'::citext, 'OI-462d7db8d54541b996bbc977e3f4e6ec'::citext, 'OI-42de43dda54a4a018c0038c0de241da1'::citext, 'OI-e31f38e2a95e44bfa8b71ee1d31a66fa'::citext, 'OI-56e85efaaa5f42c0913fed3745687a23'::citext, 'OI-def2602379db49cfadf6c31d7dfc4872'::citext, 'OI-d81dc80af7af4ad8a8383e9834207e0b'::citext, 'OI-6f3333da01f349a3a17a5714a82530a6'::citext);




4.a ) Explain (Analyze,Buffers) output for first 5 runs.

'Limit  (cost=402.71..402.74 rows=12 width=52) (actual time=3.185..3.266 rows=48 loops=1)'

'  Buffers: shared hit=184'

'  ->  Sort  (cost=402.71..402.74 rows=12 width=52) (actual time=3.179..3.207 rows=48 loops=1)'

'        Sort Key: c1'

'        Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 31kB'

'        Buffers: shared hit=184'

'        ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on t776  (cost=212.54..402.49 rows=12 width=52) (actual time=2.629..2.794 rows=48 loops=1)'

'              Recheck Cond: ((c179 = 'OI-d791e838d0354ea59aa1c04622b7c8be'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-44502144c7be49f4840d9d30c724f11b'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-4c4f9f3bb1a344f294612cfeb1ac6838'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-dd23d23ea6ca459ab6fc3256682df66a'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-9239a9fa93c9459387d564940c0b4289'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-f268ba1f12014f07b1b34fd9050aa92d'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-8e365fa8461043a69950a638d3f3830a'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-da2e9a38f45b41e9baea8c35b45577dc'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-df0d9473d3934de29435d1c22fc9a269'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-bd704daa55d24f12a54da6d5df68d05c'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-4bed7c372fd44b2e96dd4bce44e2ab79'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-4c0afdbbcb394670b8d93e39aa403e86'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-d0c049f6459e4174bb4e2ea025104298'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-f5fca0c13c454a04939b6f6a4871d647'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-fb0e56e0b896448cbd3adff8212b3ddc'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-4316868d400d450fb60bb620a89778f2'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-4abdb84db1414bd1abbb66f2a35de267'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-fbb28f59448d44adb65c1145b94e23fc'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-02577caeab904f37b6d13bb761805e02'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-ecde76cbefd847ed9602a2c875529123'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-7b6e946f4e074cf6a8cd2fcec864cc3e'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-55cf16be8f6e43aba7813d7dd898432c'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-e1903455cdc14ce1a8f05a43ee452a7f'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-81071273eacc44c4a46180be3a7d6a04'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-74cf5387522b4a238483b258f3b0bb7a'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-0ed0ff8956a84c598226f7e71f37f012'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-7fc180b8d2944391b41ed90d70915357'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-1f9e9cc0d2c4481199f98c898abf8b1b'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-5dfbe9c70fe64a4080052f1d36ad654a'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-ff83ae4d7a5a4906b97f2f78122324e4'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-8f298f3c25c24f28943dd8cd98df748f'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-78263146f1694c39935578c3fa4c6415'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-ce1c830ed02540a58c3aaea265fa52af'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-8dd73d417cf84827bc3708a362c7ee40'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-83e223fa1b364ac8b20e396b21387758'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-a6eb0ec674d242b793a26b259d15435f'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-195dfbe207a64130b3bc686bfdabe051'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-7ba86277cbce489694ba03c98e7d2059'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-c7675935bd974244939ccac9181d9129'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-64c958575289438bb86455ed81517df1'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-05e14b018be14c4ea60f977f91b3fe04'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-462d7db8d54541b996bbc977e3f4e6ec'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-42de43dda54a4a018c0038c0de241da1'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-e31f38e2a95e44bfa8b71ee1d31a66fa'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-56e85efaaa5f42c0913fed3745687a23'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-def2602379db49cfadf6c31d7dfc4872'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-d81dc80af7af4ad8a8383e9834207e0b'::citext) OR (c179 = 'OI-6f3333da01f349a3a17a5714a82530a6'::citext))'

'              Filter: (((c400129100 <> 1) OR (c400129100 IS NULL)) AND (c400129200 = '0'::citext) AND (c400127400 = 'DATASET1M'::citext))'

'              Heap Blocks: exact=39'

'              Buffers: shared hit=184'

'              ->  BitmapOr  (cost=212.54..212.54 rows=48 width=0) (actual time=2.607..2.607 rows=0 loops=1)'

'                    Buffers: shared hit=145'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.065..0.065 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-d791e838d0354ea59aa1c04622b7c8be'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.087..0.087 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-44502144c7be49f4840d9d30c724f11b'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.052..0.052 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-4c4f9f3bb1a344f294612cfeb1ac6838'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.053..0.053 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-dd23d23ea6ca459ab6fc3256682df66a'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.056..0.056 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-9239a9fa93c9459387d564940c0b4289'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.061..0.061 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-f268ba1f12014f07b1b34fd9050aa92d'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.052..0.052 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-8e365fa8461043a69950a638d3f3830a'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.051..0.051 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-da2e9a38f45b41e9baea8c35b45577dc'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.050..0.050 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-df0d9473d3934de29435d1c22fc9a269'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.053..0.053 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-bd704daa55d24f12a54da6d5df68d05c'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.049..0.049 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-4bed7c372fd44b2e96dd4bce44e2ab79'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.049..0.049 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-4c0afdbbcb394670b8d93e39aa403e86'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.052..0.052 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-d0c049f6459e4174bb4e2ea025104298'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.044..0.044 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-f5fca0c13c454a04939b6f6a4871d647'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.041..0.041 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-fb0e56e0b896448cbd3adff8212b3ddc'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.053..0.053 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-4316868d400d450fb60bb620a89778f2'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.050..0.050 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-4abdb84db1414bd1abbb66f2a35de267'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.044..0.044 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-fbb28f59448d44adb65c1145b94e23fc'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.049..0.049 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-02577caeab904f37b6d13bb761805e02'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.055..0.055 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-ecde76cbefd847ed9602a2c875529123'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.051..0.051 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-7b6e946f4e074cf6a8cd2fcec864cc3e'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.051..0.051 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-55cf16be8f6e43aba7813d7dd898432c'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.051..0.051 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-e1903455cdc14ce1a8f05a43ee452a7f'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.101..0.101 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-81071273eacc44c4a46180be3a7d6a04'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.051..0.051 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-74cf5387522b4a238483b258f3b0bb7a'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.048..0.048 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-0ed0ff8956a84c598226f7e71f37f012'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.053..0.053 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-7fc180b8d2944391b41ed90d70915357'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.051..0.051 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-1f9e9cc0d2c4481199f98c898abf8b1b'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.051..0.051 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-5dfbe9c70fe64a4080052f1d36ad654a'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.042..0.042 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-ff83ae4d7a5a4906b97f2f78122324e4'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.054..0.054 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-8f298f3c25c24f28943dd8cd98df748f'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.050..0.050 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-78263146f1694c39935578c3fa4c6415'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.052..0.052 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-ce1c830ed02540a58c3aaea265fa52af'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.057..0.057 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-8dd73d417cf84827bc3708a362c7ee40'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.051..0.051 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-83e223fa1b364ac8b20e396b21387758'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.049..0.049 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-a6eb0ec674d242b793a26b259d15435f'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.051..0.051 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-195dfbe207a64130b3bc686bfdabe051'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.050..0.050 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-7ba86277cbce489694ba03c98e7d2059'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.054..0.054 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-c7675935bd974244939ccac9181d9129'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.051..0.051 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-64c958575289438bb86455ed81517df1'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.048..0.048 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-05e14b018be14c4ea60f977f91b3fe04'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.054..0.054 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-462d7db8d54541b996bbc977e3f4e6ec'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.058..0.058 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-42de43dda54a4a018c0038c0de241da1'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=4'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.051..0.051 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-e31f38e2a95e44bfa8b71ee1d31a66fa'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.050..0.050 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-56e85efaaa5f42c0913fed3745687a23'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.049..0.049 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-def2602379db49cfadf6c31d7dfc4872'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.054..0.054 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-d81dc80af7af4ad8a8383e9834207e0b'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on i776_0_179_t776  (cost=0.00..4.43 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.050..0.050 rows=1 loops=1)'

'                          Index Cond: (c179 = 'OI-6f3333da01f349a3a17a5714a82530a6'::citext)'

'                          Buffers: shared hit=3'

'Execution time: 3.497 ms'


Link to Analyze output for Custom Plan -



4.b) Explain (Analyze,Buffers) output from 6th run onwards




'Limit  (cost=12.67..12.68 rows=1 width=52) (actual time=5544.509..5544.590 rows=48 loops=1)'

'  Buffers: shared hit=55114'

'  ->  Sort  (cost=12.67..12.68 rows=1 width=52) (actual time=5544.507..5544.535 rows=48 loops=1)'

'        Sort Key: c1'

'        Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 31kB'

'        Buffers: shared hit=55114'

'        ->  Index Scan using i776_0_400129200_t776 on t776  (cost=0.42..12.66 rows=1 width=52) (actual time=1190.399..5544.385 rows=48 loops=1)'

'              Index Cond: ((c400129200 = $1) AND (c400127400 = $2))'

'              Filter: (((c400129100 <> $3) OR (c400129100 IS NULL)) AND ((c179 = $4) OR (c179 = $5) OR (c179 = $6) OR (c179 = $7) OR (c179 = $8) OR (c179 = $9) OR (c179 = $10) OR (c179 = $11) OR (c179 = $12) OR (c179 = $13) OR (c179 = $14) OR (c179 = $15) OR (c179 = $16) OR (c179 = $17) OR (c179 = $18) OR (c179 = $19) OR (c179 = $20) OR (c179 = $21) OR (c179 = $22) OR (c179 = $23) OR (c179 = $24) OR (c179 = $25) OR (c179 = $26) OR (c179 = $27) OR (c179 = $28) OR (c179 = $29) OR (c179 = $30) OR (c179 = $31) OR (c179 = $32) OR (c179 = $33) OR (c179 = $34) OR (c179 = $35) OR (c179 = $36) OR (c179 = $37) OR (c179 = $38) OR (c179 = $39) OR (c179 = $40) OR (c179 = $41) OR (c179 = $42) OR (c179 = $43) OR (c179 = $44) OR (c179 = $45) OR (c179 = $46) OR (c179 = $47) OR (c179 = $48) OR (c179 = $49) OR (c179 = $50) OR (c179 = $51)))'

'              Rows Removed by Filter: 55322'

'              Buffers: shared hit=55114'

'Execution time: 5544.701 ms'



Link to Analyze output for Generic Plan -


5.      History - Always slower on 6th iteration since Postgres 9.2

6.      System Information -

OS Name        Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise

Version        6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601

Other OS Description         Not Available

OS Manufacturer        Microsoft Corporation

System Name        VW-AUS-ATM-PG01

System Manufacturer        VMware, Inc.

System Model        VMware Virtual Platform

System Type        x64-based PC

Processor        Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 v3 @ 2.60GHz, 2593 Mhz, 3 Core(s), 3 Logical Processor(s)

Processor        Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 v3 @ 2.60GHz, 2593 Mhz, 3 Core(s), 3 Logical Processor(s)

BIOS Version/Date        Phoenix Technologies LTD 6.00, 9/21/2015

SMBIOS Version        2.4

Windows Directory        C:\Windows

System Directory        C:\Windows\system32

Boot Device        \Device\HarddiskVolume1

Locale        United States

Hardware Abstraction Layer        Version = "6.1.7601.24354"

User Name        Not Available

Time Zone        Central Daylight Time

Installed Physical Memory (RAM)        24.0 GB

Total Physical Memory        24.0 GB

Available Physical Memory        21.1 GB

Total Virtual Memory        24.0 GB

Available Virtual Memory        17.3 GB

Page File Space        0 bytes



-Thanks and Regards,

Sameer Naik


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