På onsdag 17. april 2019 kl. 08:30:28, skrev <laurent.dechambe@xxxxxxxxxx>:
I am working on PostgreSQL 10.5 and I have a discrepancy between clients regarding parallelism feature.
For a simple query (say a simple SELECT COUNT(*) FROM BIG_TABLE), I can see PostgreSQL use parallelism when the query is launched from psql or PgAdmin4. However the same query launched with DBeaver (ie connected through JDBC) does not use parallelism.
SELECT current_setting('max_parallel_workers_per_gather') gives 10 from my session.
Is there a client configuration that prevents from using parallelism ?
Set in postgresql.conf:
log_statement = 'all'
reload settings and check the logs for what statemets are acutally issued.
Andreas Joseph Krogh
CTO / Partner - Visena AS
Mobile: +47 909 56 963