On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 12:22:39AM +0100, support@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Standard DS15 v2 (20 vcpus, 140 GB memory)
"effective_cache_size" "105GB" "configuration file"
"effective_io_concurrency" "200" "configuration file"
"maintenance_work_mem" "2GB" "configuration file"
"max_parallel_workers" "20" "configuration file"
"max_parallel_workers_per_gather" "10" "configuration file"
"max_worker_processes" "20" "configuration file"
"random_page_cost" "1.1" "configuration file"
"shared_buffers" "35GB" "configuration file"
"work_mem" "18350kB" "configuration file"
I don't know for sure, but 35GB is very possibly too large shared_buffers. The
rule of thumb is "start at 25% of RAM" but I think anything over 10-15GB is
frequently too large, unless you can keep the whole DB in RAM (can you?)
Table Metadata
relname, relpages, reltuples, relallvisible, relkind, relnatts, relhassubclass, reloptions, pg_table_size(oid)
"companyarticledb" 6191886 "5.40276e+08" 6188459 "r" 44 false "50737979392"
work_mem could probably benefit from being larger (just be careful that you
don't end up with 20x parallel workers running complex plans each node of which
using 100MB work_mem).
Full Table and Index Schema
The difference is very bad for the new company, even on the simplest query
SELECT * FROM CompanyArticleDB
WHERE CompanyId = '77'
AND ArticleId= '7869071'
It sounds to me like the planner thinks that the distribution of companyID and
articleID are independent, when they're not. For example it think that
companyID=33 filters out 99% of the rows.
companyid | integer | | not null |
articleid | integer | | not null |
SELECT * FROM CompanyArticleDB
WHERE CompanyId = '77'
AND ArticleId= '7869071'
"Index Scan using ix_companyarticledb_company on companyarticledb (cost=0.57..2.80 rows=1 width=193) (actual time=1011.335..1011.454 rows=1 loops=1)"
" Index Cond: (companyid = 77)"
" Filter: (articleid = 7869071)"
" Rows Removed by Filter: 2674361"
" Buffers: shared hit=30287"
Example for another participant, there another index is used.
"Index Scan using pk_pricedb on companyarticledb (cost=0.57..2.79 rows=1 width=193) (actual time=0.038..0.039 rows=0 loops=1)"
" Index Cond: ((companyid = 39) AND (articleid = 7869071))"
" Buffers: shared hit=4"
I do not know why this participant is different than the others except that
it was recently added.
Were the tables ANALYZEd since then ? You could check:
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_tables WHERE relname='companyarticledb';
If you have small number of companyIDs (~100), then the table statistics may
incldue a most-common-values list, and companies not in the MCV list may end up
with different query plans, even without correlation issues.
It looks like the NEW company has ~3e6 articles, out of a total ~5e8 articles.
The planner may think that companyID doesn't exist at all, so scanning the idx
on companyID will be slightly faster than using the larger, composite index on
"pk_pricedb" PRIMARY KEY, btree (companyid, articleid)
"EnabledIndex" btree (enabled)
"ix_companyarticledb_article" btree (articleid)
"ix_companyarticledb_company" btree (companyid)
"participantarticlecodeindex" btree (articlecode)
"participantdescriptionindex" gin (participantdescription gin_trgm_ops)
Foreign-key constraints:
"fk_companyarticledb_accountsdb" FOREIGN KEY (modifiedby) REFERENCES accountsdb(id)
"fk_companyarticledb_accountsdb1" FOREIGN KEY (createdby) REFERENCES accountsdb(id)
"fk_companyarticledb_accountsdb2" FOREIGN KEY (preventioncounselorid) REFERENCES accountsdb(id)
"fk_companyarticledb_articledb" FOREIGN KEY (articleid) REFERENCES articledb(id)
"fk_companyarticledb_companydb" FOREIGN KEY (companyid) REFERENCES companydb(id)
"fk_companyarticledb_interfaceaccountdb" FOREIGN KEY (interfaceaccountid) REFERENCES interfaceaccountdb(id)
"fk_companyarticledb_supplieraccountdb" FOREIGN KEY (createdbysupplier) REFERENCES supplieraccountdb(id)
"fk_companyarticledb_supplieraccountdb1" FOREIGN KEY (modifiedbysupplier) REFERENCES supplieraccountdb(id)