Re: autovacuum run but last_autovacuum is empty

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I think that something is wrong because some tables has a value in last_autoanalyze and some dont while most of them were analyzed. For example : 

           relname           | n_live_tup | n_dead_tup |        last_autovacuum        |       last_autoanalyze
 tbl1                        |        975 |         37 |                               | 2018-11-26 16:15:51.557115+02
 tbl2               |    4283798 |     739345 | 2018-11-26 17:43:46.663709+02 | 2018-11-26 17:44:38.234908+02
 tbl3                     |    3726015 |     596362 | 2018-11-26 17:37:33.726438+02 | 2018-11-26 17:48:30.126623+02
 pg_language                 |          0 |          0 |                               |
 pg_toast_19018              |          0 |          0 |                               |
 pg_toast_13115              |          0 |          0 |                               |
 tbl4                 |          0 |          0 |                               |

 log data : 
[root@pg_log]# cat postgresql-Sun.log | grep automatic | awk {'print $6 $7,$10'} | grep db1 | sort -n | uniq -c
      1 automaticanalyze "db1.public.attributes"
      4 automaticanalyze "db1.public.tbl3"
      3 automaticanalyze "db1.public.tbl3"
     11 automaticanalyze "db1.public.tbl2"
      1 automaticanalyze "db1.public.tbl4"
      5 automaticanalyze "db1.public.tbl1"
      1 automaticvacuum "db1.pg_catalog.pg_statistic":
      5 automaticvacuum "db1.pg_toast.pg_toast_19239":
      1 automaticvacuum "db1.pg_toast.pg_toast_19420":
      2 automaticvacuum "db1.pg_toast.pg_toast_2619":
      3 automaticvacuum "db1.public.tbl3":
      9 automaticvacuum "db1.public.tbl2":
      1 automaticvacuum "db1.public.tbl4":

I just changed the name of the tables but all other values are accurate.

 Firewall rules should block all stats not just some of them right ? Something is weird...

‫בתאריך יום ב׳, 26 בנוב׳ 2018 ב-17:25 מאת ‪Tom Lane‬‏ <‪tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx‬‏>:‬
Mariel Cherkassky <mariel.cherkassky@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> I checked pg_stat_all_tables and I see that the last_autovacuum is empty
> for all the tables but in the database`s log I see that autovacuum was
> running and deleted records(not all of them but still deleted...).
> Can someone explain why the pg_stat_all_tables doesnt show the real data ?

Hm, are you sure the stats collector is working at all?  Are other fields
in the pg_stat data updating?

(If not, you may have a problem with firewall rules blocking traffic
on the stats loopback port.)

                        regards, tom lane

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