Re: Select count(*) on a 2B Rows Tables Takes ~20 Hours

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Aside from I/O going to a different kind of storage, I don't think anything Aurora-specific should be at play here.

Would the 118 million buffer accesses (hits+reads) only include the index scan, or would that number also reflect buffers accessed for the 500 million heap fetches?

While Aurora doesn't have a filesystem cache (since it's a different kind of storage), it does default the buffer_cache to 75% to offset this. It appears that as Laurenz has pointed out, this is simply a lot of I/O requests in a serial process. 

BTW that's 900GB of data that was read (118 million buffers of 8k each) - on a box with only 61GB of memory available for caching.


Sent from my TI-83

> On Sep 17, 2018, at 12:04 PM, Laurenz Albe <laurenz.albe@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Fred Habash wrote:
>> If I'm reading this correctly, it took 57M ms out of an elapsed time of 61M ms to read 45M pages from the filesystem?
>> If the average service time per sarr is < 5 ms, Is this a case of bloated index where re-indexing is warranted? 
>> explain (analyze,buffers,timing,verbose,costs)
>> select count(*) from jim.pitations ;
>>                                                                                 QUERY PLAN                                                                                 
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Aggregate  (cost=72893810.73..72893810.74 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=61141110.437..61141110.437 rows=1 loops=1)
>>   Output: count(*)
>>   Buffers: shared hit=72620045 read=45297330
>>   I/O Timings: read=57489958.088
>>   ->  Index Only Scan using pit_indx_fk03 on jim.pitations  (cost=0.58..67227187.37 rows=2266649344 width=0) (actual time=42.327..60950272.189 rows=2269623575 loops=1)
>>         Output: vsr_number
>>         Heap Fetches: 499950392
>>         Buffers: shared hit=72620045 read=45297330
>>         I/O Timings: read=57489958.088
>> Planning time: 14.014 ms
>> Execution time: 61,141,110.516 ms
>> (11 rows)
> 2269623575 / (45297330 + 72620045) ~ 20, so you have an average 20
> items per block.  That is few, and the index seems indeed bloated.
> Looking at the read times, you average out at about 1 ms per block
> read from I/O, but with that many blocks that's of course still a long time.
> Yours,
> Laurenz Albe
> -- 
> Cybertec |

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