Scott Rankin wrote: > We are running postgresql 9.4 and we have a table where we do some > full-text searching using a GIN index on a tsvector column: > > CREATE INDEX location_search_tsvector_idx > ON public.location_search USING gin > (search_field_tsvector) > TABLESPACE pg_default; > > This setup has been running very well, but as our load is getting heavier, > the performance seems to be getting much more inconsistent. > Our searches are run on a dedicated read replica, so this server is only > doing queries against this one table. IO is very low, indicating to me > that the data is all in memory. However, we're getting some queries taking > upwards of 15-20 seconds, while the average is closer to 1 second. > > A sample query that's running slowly is > > explain (analyze, buffers) > SELECT ls.location AS locationId FROM location_search ls > WHERE ls.client = 1363 > AND ls.favorite = TRUE > AND search_field_tsvector @@ to_tsquery('CA-94:* &E &San:*') > LIMIT 4; > > And the explain analyze is: > > Limit (cost=39865.85..39877.29 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=4471.120..4471.120 rows=0 loops=1) > Buffers: shared hit=25613 > -> Bitmap Heap Scan on location_search ls (cost=39865.85..39877.29 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=4471.117..4471.117 rows=0 loops=1) > Recheck Cond: (search_field_tsvector @@ to_tsquery('CA-94:* &E &San:*'::text)) > Filter: (favorite AND (client = 1363)) > Rows Removed by Filter: 74 > Heap Blocks: exact=84 > Buffers: shared hit=25613 > -> Bitmap Index Scan on location_search_tsvector_idx (cost=0.00..39865.85 rows=6 width=0) (actual time=4470.895..4470.895 rows=84 loops=1) > Index Cond: (search_field_tsvector @@ to_tsquery('CA-94:* &E &San:*'::text)) > Buffers: shared hit=25529 > Planning time: 0.335 ms > Execution time: 4487.224 ms Not sure, but maybe you are suffering from bad performance because of a long "GIN pending list". If yes, then the following can help: ALTER INDEX location_search_tsvector_idx SET (gin_pending_list_limit = 512); Or you can disable the feature altogether: ALTER INDEX location_search_tsvector_idx SET (fastupdate = off); Then clean the pending list with SELECT gin_clean_pending_list('location_search_tsvector_idx'::regclass); Disabling the pending list will slow down data modification, but should keep the SELECT performance stable. Yours, Laurenz Albe -- Cybertec |