Re: Performance

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Le 23/02/2018 à 22:20, Andreas Kretschmer a écrit :

Am 23.02.2018 um 20:29 schrieb Daulat Ram:
We have the following requirements in single query or any proper solution. Please help on this.
How many sessions are currently opened.
ask pg_stat_activity, via select * from pg_stat_activity

  -and if opened then how many queries have executed on that session.
Whot? There isn't a counter for that, AFAIK.

  -and also we have to trace how much time each query is taking.
You can use auto_explain for that

  -and also we have to find the cost of each query.
the same, auto_explain

please keep in mind: costs are imaginary.

You can also have a look at PoWA :

Regards, Andreas

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