Hi community, I successfully use PG for a while but I am new to the community. I have recently written a number of functions that call each other (one of them is recursive). I attach the code of the top-level (plpgsql) functions in the file sql.sql along with the structure of the main table that is used in their queries. In subsequent runs of the following query (with exactly the same parameters) all the results are the expected ones: SELECT dt.c_create_tree(1::smallint, 13, 1::smallint, 110::smallint, ARRAY[1,2]::smallint[], false, ARRAY[22,8,26,1]::smallint[], true, 100, 4, 0.05); However, before I start the optimizing process (many parts of the code are subject to optimization) I noticed that the performance significantly differs (from 45’’ to 7.5’) per run and I can’t understand what is the trigger that enforces this behavior since the plans are always the same (but not the Heap Blocks and the buffers). I noticed that when I restart the PG’s service sometimes (but not always) the first 1 – 5 runs are a lot faster, while, once a run lasts long, all subsequent runs last long too. Also, I noticed that applying ANALYSE of even full VACUM to the main table (pd.d_sample) does not significantly improve the performance if it is already low. The main table on which the queries run is the pd.d_sample that contains around 1.5m rows and the run of the above query updates about 120k of them (the same every time it runs). The two attached logs correspond to excerpts of the EXPLAIN logs of two subsequent runs of the above query the one right after the other. They are pruned because of their size and do not give the total picture, but they cover at least one full iteration and one can see the differences in the Heap Blocks and the buffers from the first few simple queries. My machine has a Core-i7 processor and runs Windows 10. The PG’s version is 9.6.3 64bit. I’d appreciate any help to understand the source of the problem and any potential solution. Thanks in advance, Elias |
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
CREATE TABLE pd.d_sample ( unit_id smallint NOT NULL, project_id integer NOT NULL, subject_id text NOT NULL, ref_date text NOT NULL, dep_var double precision, ind_vars double precision[], grad_vars character varying[], trn_vars double precision[], sample smallint, score double precision, tree_bag bit varying, scores double precision[], CONSTRAINT d_sample_pk PRIMARY KEY (unit_id, project_id, subject_id, ref_date) ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dt.c_create_tree( p_unit_id smallint, p_project_id integer, p_permutation_id smallint, p_tree_ord smallint, p_samples smallint[], p_in_forest boolean, p_criteria smallint[], p_one_node_per_crit boolean, p_min_population integer, p_max_level integer, p_min_ar double precision) RETURNS void AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_tree_nodes dt.tree_node[]; BEGIN -- Grow the tree v_tree_nodes := dt.p_create_node( p_unit_id, p_project_id, p_samples[1], p_tree_ord, p_in_forest, p_criteria, p_one_node_per_crit, p_min_population, p_max_level, p_min_ar, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); -- Store it in the table INSERT INTO pd.d_tree ( unit_id, project_id, permutation_id, tree_ord, ind_var_ids, nodes ) VALUES( p_unit_id, p_project_id, p_permutation_id, p_tree_ord, p_criteria, v_tree_nodes ) ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT d_tree_pk DO UPDATE SET ind_var_ids = p_criteria, nodes = v_tree_nodes; -- Calculate AR of training sample PERFORM dt.p_evaluate_tree( p_unit_id, p_project_id, p_permutation_id, p_tree_ord, p_samples, p_in_forest, v_tree_nodes ); END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dt.p_create_node( IN p_unit_id smallint, IN p_project_id integer, IN p_sample smallint, IN p_tree_ord integer, IN p_in_forest boolean, IN p_criteria smallint[], IN p_one_node_per_crit boolean, IN p_min_population integer, IN p_max_level integer, IN p_min_ar double precision, IN p_crit_ord smallint, IN p_bound double precision, IN p_id text, IN p_view text, INOUT p_tree_nodes dt.tree_node[]) RETURNS dt.tree_node[] AS $BODY$ DECLARE r record; v_id text; v_view text; v_node_view text; v_bins pd.crit_bin[]; v_nodes pd.crit_node[]; v_bounds pd.crit_bound[]; v_ar float; v_best_ord smallint; v_best_ar float := -1; v_best_bounds pd.crit_bound[]; v_best_cont boolean; v_bound pd.crit_bound; v_node dt.tree_node; v_df float; v_obs integer; v_def float; BEGIN -- If new tree initialize the text of the view IF p_view IS NULL THEN v_view := 'CREATE OR REPLACE TEMP VIEW sample AS SELECT ind_vars,dep_var FROM pd.d_sample ' || 'WHERE unit_id=' || p_unit_id || ' AND project_id=' || p_project_id || ' AND sample =' || p_sample; IF p_in_forest THEN -- In case a tree of a random forest v_view := v_view || ' AND get_bit(tree_bag,' || (p_tree_ord - 1) || ')=1'; END IF; v_id := '_'; p_tree_nodes := ARRAY[]::dt.tree_node[]; ELSE v_view := p_view; v_id := p_id; END IF; -- Create the view EXECUTE v_view; -- Get number of observations and defaults of the view SELECT count(*), sum(dep_var) INTO v_obs, v_def FROM sample; -- Build a node v_node := (v_id, p_bound, v_obs, v_def, NULL, NULL, NULL)::dt.tree_node; -- Check if max level is reached or if no defaults exist IF (char_length(v_id) - 1) / 2 >= p_max_level OR v_def <= 0.5 THEN p_tree_nodes := p_tree_nodes || v_node; RETURN; END IF; v_df := v_def / v_obs; -- Check for the best criterion to split FOR r IN SELECT ord, (discrete_values IS NULL OR monotone) AS continuous, monotone, dir, min_ar, nan_behavior, null_behavior, max_p_value, max_level FROM pd.d_criterion WHERE unit_id = p_unit_id AND project_id = p_project_id AND ord = ANY(p_criteria) ORDER BY ord LOOP IF r.continuous THEN -- Continuous variables SELECT * FROM dt.p_bin_continuous(r.ord, r.nan_behavior, r.null_behavior, p_min_population, r.max_p_value, r.max_level, r.monotone, r.dir, v_df) INTO v_bins, v_bounds, v_nodes; ELSE -- Discrete variables SELECT * FROM dt.p_bin_discrete(r.ord, p_min_population, r.max_p_value, v_df) INTO v_bins, v_bounds, v_nodes; END IF; -- Check if no split CONTINUE WHEN v_bins IS NULL OR array_length(v_bins, 1) = 1; -- Calculate AR v_ar := pd.p_calc_ar(v_bins); IF v_ar > v_best_ar THEN v_best_ord := r.ord; v_best_bounds := v_bounds; v_best_ar := v_ar; v_best_cont := r.continuous; END IF; END LOOP; -- If no AR improvement then don't split IF v_best_bounds IS NULL OR array_length(v_best_bounds, 1) <= 1 OR v_best_ar <= p_min_ar THEN p_tree_nodes := p_tree_nodes || v_node; RETURN; END IF; -- Set the node child_ord and ar v_node.child_ord := v_best_ord; v_node.child_discr := NOT v_best_cont; v_node.ar := v_best_ar; -- Add the node p_tree_nodes := p_tree_nodes || v_node; -- Build children nodes FOR i IN 1..array_length(v_best_bounds, 1) LOOP v_bound := v_best_bounds[i]; v_node_view := v_view || ' AND ind_vars[' || v_best_ord || ']' || CASE WHEN (v_bound).bound IS NULL THEN ' IS NULL' WHEN (v_bound).bound = 'NaN'::float THEN '=''NaN''::float' WHEN NOT v_best_cont THEN '=' || (v_bound).bound WHEN i = 1 THEN '<=' || CASE WHEN (v_bound).bound = 'Infinity'::float THEN '''Infinity''::float' ELSE (v_bound).bound::text END WHEN (v_bound).bound = 'Infinity'::float THEN '>' || (v_best_bounds[i - 1]).bound ELSE '>' || (v_best_bounds[i - 1]).bound || ' AND ind_vars[' || v_best_ord || ']<=' || (v_bound).bound END; p_tree_nodes := dt.p_create_node( p_unit_id, p_project_id, p_sample, p_tree_ord, p_in_forest, CASE WHEN p_one_node_per_crit THEN array_remove(p_criteria, v_best_ord) ELSE p_criteria END, p_one_node_per_crit, p_min_population, p_max_level, p_min_ar, v_best_ord, (v_best_bounds[i]).bound, v_id || to_char(i, 'FM00'), v_node_view, p_tree_nodes ); END LOOP; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100;