explain analyze takes too much time.. hours ...
I run it now but it will take some time.
The output of the explain :
Finalize Aggregate (cost=38058211.38..38058211.39 rows=1 width=8)
-> Gather (cost=38058211.16..38058211.37 rows=2 width=8)
Workers Planned: 2
-> Partial Aggregate (cost=38057211.16..38057211.17 rows=1 width=8)
-> Append (cost=0.00..38040836.26 rows=6549963 width=0)
-> Parallel Seq Scan on log_full_1_11_2017_action_status (cost=0.00..39863.21 rows=1 width=
Filter: ((end_date >= to_date('2017/12/03'::text, 'YY/MM/DD'::text)) AND (end_date <= to_date(
'2017/12/04'::text, 'YY/MM/DD'::text)))
-> Parallel Seq Scan on log_full_1_11_2017_alive_status (cost=0.00..702893.03 rows=1 width=
Filter: ((end_date >= to_date('2017/12/03'::text, 'YY/MM/DD'::text)) AND (end_date <= to_date(
'2017/12/04'::text, 'YY/MM/DD'::text)))
-> Parallel Seq Scan on log_full_1_11_2017_modem_status (cost=0.00..10.59 rows=1 width=0)
Filter: ((end_date >= to_date('2017/12/03'::text, 'YY/MM/DD'::text)) AND (end_date <= to_date(
'2017/12/04'::text, 'YY/MM/DD'::text)))
and so on parallel seq for each partition that I have..