I have installed pgaudit, and configured as: pgaudit.log = 'ddl,role' pgaudit.log_level = 'log' (default) Versions: postgresql96 (9.6.6) , pgaudit96 (1.0.4), postgis 2.3.2, Rhel 7.4 When I then install postgis extension in a database it writes a huge amount of logs which slow down the server a lot. Not only table creation and functions are logged, even all inserts in spatial_ref_sys are written to the audit-log. LOG: AUDIT: SESSION,1,1,DDL,CREATE FUNCTION,,," ...... INSERT INTO ""spatial_ref_sys"" (""srid"",""auth_name" .... This behaviour make pgaudit useless in our environment due to the overhead in log-file write. I have tried different combinations of pgaudit.log settings (role,-functions), (role), and also changed pgaudit.log_level to warning, but it was not better. Does anybody have a useful pgaudit settings which not overflow the log files, even when installing postgis or other extensions? Also noticed that setting a session log to none (set pgaudit.log='none';) overrides parameter from postgresql.conf, but does not get logged, and then you can do whatever you want without any audit. I supposed this changing of audit session log parameter should be logged to file? Regards, Peter |