Thanks Jeremy,
We will provide a more complete EXPLAIN as other people have suggested.
I am glad we might end up with a much better performance (currently each query takes around 2 seconds!).
Em 27 de dez de 2017 14:02, "Jeremy Finzel" <finzelj@xxxxxxxxx> escreveu:
The EXPLAIN'Index Scan using idx_user_country on card (cost=0.57..1854.66 rows=460 width=922)'' Index Cond: (((user_id)::text = '4684'::text) AND (user_country = 'BR'::bpchar))'Show 3 runs of the full explain analyze plan on given condition so that we can also see cold vs warm cache performance.There is definitely something wrong as there is no way a query like that should take 500ms. Your instinct is correct there.