Hi all
I also tried to change the values of join_collapse_limit and rom_collapse_limit to higher values than default: 12, 50 or even 100, with no improvement on the query plan.2017-08-18 18:46 GMT+02:00 kimaidou <kimaidou@xxxxxxxxx>:
the query plan is "as expected", as it is using the spatial index (and others too). This query gets 100 lines from a "main" table containing 20000 lines (and child tables having more). It is pretty fast and "low cost"If I use the raw SQL defining the view, and add a WHERE clause like:We have indexes on some fields ( foreign keys, and a GIST index for the PostGIS geometry field)Basically, we have this view with some LEFT JOIN :You can see full detail on an issue on the QGEP project in Github :Hi all,I have come across a unexpected behavior.
WHERE "progression_geometry" && st_makeenvelope(1728327.03249295568093657,8240789. 26074041239917278,1728608. 10987572139129043,8240958. 16933418624103069,3949) See the query plan:When we call the WHERE on the view:
FROM "qgep"."vw_qgep_reach"
WHERE "progression_geometry" && st_makeenvelope(1728327.03249295568093657,8240789. 26074041239917278,1728608. 10987572139129043,8240958. 16933418624103069,3949) The query plan is "wrong", as PostgreSQL seems to consider it should do a seq scan on the tables, and only afterwards filter with the WHERE:The query takes about 1 second instead of less than 100ms.
Do you have any hint on this kind of issue ?
Thanks in advance