Using array instead of sub table (storage and speed)

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I have two tables

s {

    id bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,



sp {

  id bigint PRIMARY KEY,

 sid bigint REFERENCES s (id),

 i numeric,

 m numeric



I have for each entry in [s] on average around 120 entries in [sp]. And that table has become the largest table in my database (8.81565*10^09 entries).
Data in [sp] are never changed. I can probably reduce the size by 
changing datatypes from numeric to float but I was wondering if it would 
be more efficient - primarily in terms of storage -  to change the 
structure to have two arrays in [s]. E.g.
s {

    id bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

    i numeric[],

   m numeric[],



I can probably reduce the size by changing datatypes from numeric to float/double. so final table would look like this:

s {

    id bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

    i float[],

   m double[],



I haven't really found anything yet how much space (e.g. how many bytes) an array will use compared to a table row in postgresql.



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