Hi Ravi, We, at Dalibo, are contributing to the postgres community mostly
through open source administration tools development. - pgBadger, from Gilles Darold, extracts a lot of data from the postgres logs and restitutes them via a web interface (https://github.com/dalibo/pgbadger and http://dalibo.github.io/pgbadger/), - OPM - Open PostgreSQL Monitoring - monitors the activity of instances and sends alerts if needed (http://opm.io/, https://github.com/OPMDG and http://opm.readthedocs.io/index.html). It uses the check_pgactivity agent, - PoWA - PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer - captures and stores the SQL activity of instances (using the pg_stat_statements extension) and reports it through a web interface. (http://powa.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ and https://github.com/dalibo/powa). Several plugins help the DBA in understanding and improving SQL statements performance: - pg_qualstats evaluates the selectivity of predicates or where clause encountered in SQL statements, - pg_stat_kcache captures additional statistics from the OS, like CPU and physical I/Os, - HypoPG allows to create hypothetical indexes and shows the access plan that the postgres optimizer would choose if these indexes would exist. - PgCluu, from Gilles Darold, performs a full audit of a PostgreSQL Cluster performances. A collector grabs statistics on the PostgreSQL cluster using psql and sar, a grapher generates all HTML and charts output. (http://pgcluu.darold.net/ and https://github.com/darold/pgcluu) FYI, we are also working on a new project named TemBoard (http://temboard.io/ and https://github.com/dalibo/temboard). It is not yet production ready. But it has been presented at the latest postgres conference in Russia (https://pgconf.ru/en/2017/93881). Philippe Beaudoin. Le 27/05/2017 à 06:58, Dave Stibrany a
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