Different plan between 9.6 and 9.4 when using "Group by"

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Hi team:

       The following SQL is very slow in 9.6.1 for the plan has a sort node.


SQL text:

explain(analyze, buffers, verbose, timing)WITH m as

        (SELECT date,accumulation,prod_type,IF,plan_code, mapping_code, channel, VARIABLE, up_load_data

           FROM sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb

          WHERE fk_sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb = 'd626e902-b3c5-495f-938f-3c6c74fa18da' ) ,

     a as

        (SELECT date,accumulation,prod_type,IF,plan_code, mapping_code, channel, VARIABLE, up_load_data

           FROM m

          WHERE date = '1' AND VARIABLE ='FYP_FAC') ,

     b as

       (SELECT date,mapping_code,channel,up_load_data


         WHERE FK_sdm_actu_fore_project_result = 'b9eece0c-60cc-403f-992f-9db9e9b78ee1'

                   AND date >= '2017-01-31' ) ,

     n as

       (SELECT a.plan_code,a.mapping_code,a.channel,a.variable,b.date,

                           CASE WHEN (a.up_load_data::numeric) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE b.up_load_data/(a.up_load_data::numeric) END AS fdyz

          FROM a, b

         WHERE /*a.plan_code = b.plan_code

           and*/ a.mapping_code = b.mapping_code

           AND a.channel=b.channel )

SELECT 'b9eece0c-60cc-403f-992f-9db9e9b78ee1' FK_sdm_actu_fore_project_result,








        'PROF-IF' AS TYPE,


        ((date_trunc('month',add_months((n.date)::date,(m.date::numeric)))- interval '1 day')::date)::text,


  FROM m, n

WHERE m.mapping_code = n.mapping_code AND m.channel = n.channel

GROUP BY m.plan_code,







          ((date_trunc('month',add_months((n.date)::date,(m.date::numeric)))- interval '1 day')::date)::text



Plan in 9.6.2:

                                                                                                                                                                                    QUERY PL




GroupAggregate  (cost=437554.59..437556.52 rows=22 width=352) (actual time=175322.440..192068.748 rows=1072820 loops=1)

   Output: 'b9eece0c-60cc-403f-992f-9db9e9b78ee1', m.plan_code, m.mapping_code, m.accumulation, m.channel, m.prod_type, m.if, m.variable, 'PROF-IF', ((((date_trunc('month'::text, ((((n.date

)::date + ((((m.date)::numeric)::text || 'months'::text))::interval))::date)::timestamp with time zone) - '1 day'::interval))::date)::text), sum(((m.up_load_data)::numeric * n.fdyz))

   Group Key: m.plan_code, m.mapping_code, m.accumulation, m.channel, m.prod_type, m.if, m.variable, ((((date_trunc('month'::text, ((((n.date)::date + ((((m.date)::numeric)::text || 'months

'::text))::interval))::date)::timestamp with time zone) - '1 day'::interval))::date)::text)

   Buffers: shared hit=29835, temp read=168320 written=168320

   CTE m

     ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on public.sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb  (cost=22340.45..386925.95 rows=866760 width=60) (actual time=124.239..368.762 rows=895056 loops=1)

           Output: sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.date, sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.accumulation, sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.prod_type, sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.if, sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.plan_code, sdm_

actu_fore_up_act_nb.mapping_code, sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.channel, sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.variable, sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.up_load_data

           Recheck Cond: (sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.fk_sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb = 'd626e902-b3c5-495f-938f-3c6c74fa18da'::text)

           Heap Blocks: exact=23005

           Buffers: shared hit=29402

           ->  Bitmap Index Scan on ix_sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb  (cost=0.00..22123.76 rows=866760 width=0) (actual time=119.406..119.406 rows=895056 loops=1)

                 Index Cond: (sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.fk_sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb = 'd626e902-b3c5-495f-938f-3c6c74fa18da'::text)

                 Buffers: shared hit=6397

   CTE a

     ->  CTE Scan on m m_1  (cost=0.00..21669.00 rows=22 width=288) (actual time=3.972..743.152 rows=289 loops=1)

           Output: m_1.date, m_1.accumulation, m_1.prod_type, m_1.if, m_1.plan_code, m_1.mapping_code, m_1.channel, m_1.variable, m_1.up_load_data

           Filter: ((m_1.date = '1'::text) AND (m_1.variable = 'FYP_FAC'::text))

           Rows Removed by Filter: 894767

           Buffers: shared hit=23004

   CTE b

     ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on public.sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod  (cost=124.14..5052.60 rows=2497 width=33) (actual time=2.145..4.566 rows=4752 loops=1)

           Output: sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod.date, sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod.mapping_code, sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod.channel, sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod.up_load_data

           Recheck Cond: (sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod.fk_sdm_actu_fore_project_result = 'b9eece0c-60cc-403f-992f-9db9e9b78ee1'::text)

           Filter: (sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod.date >= '2017-01-31'::text)

           Heap Blocks: exact=315

           Buffers: shared hit=433

           ->  Bitmap Index Scan on ix_sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod  (cost=0.00..123.52 rows=4746 width=0) (actual time=1.863..1.863 rows=14256 loops=1)

                 Index Cond: (sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod.fk_sdm_actu_fore_project_result = 'b9eece0c-60cc-403f-992f-9db9e9b78ee1'::text)

                 Buffers: shared hit=118

   CTE n

     ->  Hash Join  (cost=0.77..69.46 rows=1 width=192) (actual time=745.835..756.304 rows=4764 loops=1)

           Output: a.plan_code, a.mapping_code, a.channel, a.variable, b.date, CASE WHEN ((a.up_load_data)::numeric = '0'::numeric) THEN '0'::numeric ELSE (b.up_load_data / (a.up_load_data)

::numeric) END

           Hash Cond: ((b.mapping_code = a.mapping_code) AND (b.channel = a.channel))

           Buffers: shared hit=23437

           ->  CTE Scan on b  (cost=0.00..49.94 rows=2497 width=128) (actual time=2.147..6.445 rows=4752 loops=1)

                 Output: b.date, b.mapping_code, b.channel, b.up_load_data

                 Buffers: shared hit=433

           ->  Hash  (cost=0.44..0.44 rows=22 width=160) (actual time=743.661..743.661 rows=289 loops=1)

                 Output: a.plan_code, a.mapping_code, a.channel, a.variable, a.up_load_data

                 Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 29kB

                 Buffers: shared hit=23004

                 ->  CTE Scan on a  (cost=0.00..0.44 rows=22 width=160) (actual time=3.974..743.380 rows=289 loops=1)

                       Output: a.plan_code, a.mapping_code, a.channel, a.variable, a.up_load_data

                       Buffers: shared hit=23004

   ->  Sort  (cost=23837.58..23837.64 rows=22 width=320) (actual time=175322.411..178986.480 rows=14620032 loops=1)

         Output: m.plan_code, m.mapping_code, m.accumulation, m.channel, m.prod_type, m.if, m.variable, ((((date_trunc('month'::text, ((((n.date)::date + ((((m.date)::numeric)::text || 'mon

ths'::text))::interval))::date)::timestamp with time zone) - '1 day'::interval))::date)::text), m.up_load_data, n.fdyz

         Sort Key: m.plan_code, m.mapping_code, m.accumulation, m.channel, m.prod_type, m.if, m.variable, ((((date_trunc('month'::text, ((((n.date)::date + ((((m.date)::numeric)::text || 'm

onths'::text))::interval))::date)::timestamp with time zone) - '1 day'::interval))::date)::text)

         Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 1346544kB

         Buffers: shared hit=29835, temp read=168320 written=168320

         ->  Hash Join  (cost=0.04..23837.09 rows=22 width=320) (actual time=884.588..27338.979 rows=14620032 loops=1)

               Output: m.plan_code, m.mapping_code, m.accumulation, m.channel, m.prod_type, m.if, m.variable, (((date_trunc('month'::text, ((((n.date)::date + ((((m.date)::numeric)::text ||

'months'::text))::interval))::date)::timestamp with time zone) - '1 day'::interval))::date)::text, m.up_load_data, n.fdyz

               Hash Cond: ((m.mapping_code = n.mapping_code) AND (m.channel = n.channel))

               Buffers: shared hit=29835

               ->  CTE Scan on m  (cost=0.00..17335.20 rows=866760 width=288) (actual time=124.243..263.402 rows=895056 loops=1)

                     Output: m.date, m.accumulation, m.prod_type, m.if, m.plan_code, m.mapping_code, m.channel, m.variable, m.up_load_data

                     Buffers: shared hit=6398

               ->  Hash  (cost=0.02..0.02 rows=1 width=128) (actual time=760.302..760.302 rows=4764 loops=1)

                     Output: n.date, n.fdyz, n.mapping_code, n.channel

                     Buckets: 8192 (originally 1024)  Batches: 1 (originally 1)  Memory Usage: 389kB

                     Buffers: shared hit=23437

                     ->  CTE Scan on n  (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=128) (actual time=745.838..759.139 rows=4764 loops=1)

                           Output: n.date, n.fdyz, n.mapping_code, n.channel

                           Buffers: shared hit=23437

Planning time: 0.383 ms

Execution time: 192187.911 ms

(65 rows)


Time: 192192.814 ms



Plan in 9.4.1

                                                                                                                                                                                     QUERY PL




HashAggregate  (cost=478276.30..478278.89 rows=47 width=352) (actual time=92967.646..93660.910 rows=1072820 loops=1)

   Output: 'b9eece0c-60cc-403f-992f-9db9e9b78ee1', m.plan_code, m.mapping_code, m.accumulation, m.channel, m.prod_type, m.if, m.variable, 'PROF-IF', ((((date_trunc('month'::text, ((((n.date

)::date + ((((m.date)::numeric)::text || 'months'::text))::interval))::date)::timestamp with time zone) - '1 day'::interval))::date)::text), sum(((m.up_load_data)::numeric * n.fdyz))

   Group Key: m.plan_code, m.mapping_code, m.accumulation, m.channel, m.prod_type, m.if, m.variable, (((date_trunc('month'::text, ((((n.date)::date + ((((m.date)::numeric)::text || 'months'

::text))::interval))::date)::timestamp with time zone) - '1 day'::interval))::date)::text

   Buffers: shared hit=30869, temp read=8103 written=8102

   CTE m

     ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on public.sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb  (cost=37491.97..421474.67 rows=942376 width=60) (actual time=158.435..465.865 rows=895056 loops=1)

           Output: sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.date, sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.accumulation, sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.prod_type, sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.if, sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.plan_code, sdm_

actu_fore_up_act_nb.mapping_code, sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.channel, sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.variable, sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.up_load_data

           Recheck Cond: (sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.fk_sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb = 'd626e902-b3c5-495f-938f-3c6c74fa18da'::text)

           Heap Blocks: exact=23006

           Buffers: shared hit=30422

           ->  Bitmap Index Scan on ix_sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb  (cost=0.00..37256.38 rows=942376 width=0) (actual time=153.180..153.180 rows=895056 loops=1)

                 Index Cond: (sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb.fk_sdm_actu_fore_up_act_nb = 'd626e902-b3c5-495f-938f-3c6c74fa18da'::text)

                 Buffers: shared hit=7416

   CTE a

     ->  CTE Scan on m m_1  (cost=0.00..23559.40 rows=24 width=288) (actual time=5.386..1227.412 rows=289 loops=1)

           Output: m_1.date, m_1.accumulation, m_1.prod_type, m_1.if, m_1.plan_code, m_1.mapping_code, m_1.channel, m_1.variable, m_1.up_load_data

           Filter: ((m_1.date = '1'::text) AND (m_1.variable = 'FYP_FAC'::text))

           Rows Removed by Filter: 894767

           Buffers: shared hit=23005, temp written=8101

   CTE b

     ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on public.sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod  (cost=221.97..7251.24 rows=2575 width=33) (actual time=2.623..6.318 rows=4752 loops=1)

           Output: sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod.date, sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod.mapping_code, sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod.channel, sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod.up_load_data

           Recheck Cond: (sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod.fk_sdm_actu_fore_project_result = 'b9eece0c-60cc-403f-992f-9db9e9b78ee1'::text)

           Filter: (sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod.date >= '2017-01-31'::text)

           Heap Blocks: exact=327

           Buffers: shared hit=447

           ->  Bitmap Index Scan on ix_sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod  (cost=0.00..221.32 rows=4920 width=0) (actual time=2.313..2.313 rows=14256 loops=1)

                 Index Cond: (sdm_actu_fore_up_fyp_prod.fk_sdm_actu_fore_project_result = 'b9eece0c-60cc-403f-992f-9db9e9b78ee1'::text)

                 Buffers: shared hit=120

   CTE n

     ->  Hash Join  (cost=0.84..71.70 rows=2 width=224) (actual time=1230.640..1245.947 rows=4764 loops=1)

           Output: a.plan_code, a.mapping_code, a.channel, a.variable, b.date, CASE WHEN ((a.up_load_data)::numeric = 0::numeric) THEN 0::numeric ELSE (b.up_load_data / (a.up_load_data)::nu

meric) END

           Hash Cond: ((b.mapping_code = a.mapping_code) AND (b.channel = a.channel))

           Buffers: shared hit=23452, temp written=8101

           ->  CTE Scan on b  (cost=0.00..51.50 rows=2575 width=128) (actual time=2.626..8.904 rows=4752 loops=1)

                 Output: b.date, b.mapping_code, b.channel, b.up_load_data

                 Buffers: shared hit=447

           ->  Hash  (cost=0.48..0.48 rows=24 width=160) (actual time=1227.982..1227.982 rows=289 loops=1)

                 Output: a.plan_code, a.mapping_code, a.channel, a.variable, a.up_load_data

                 Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 21kB

                 Buffers: shared hit=23005, temp written=8101

                 ->  CTE Scan on a  (cost=0.00..0.48 rows=24 width=160) (actual time=5.387..1227.668 rows=289 loops=1)

                       Output: a.plan_code, a.mapping_code, a.channel, a.variable, a.up_load_data

                       Buffers: shared hit=23005, temp written=8101

   ->  Hash Join  (cost=0.07..25917.88 rows=47 width=352) (actual time=1410.018..61022.859 rows=14620032 loops=1)

         Output: m.plan_code, m.mapping_code, m.accumulation, m.channel, m.prod_type, m.if, m.variable, (((date_trunc('month'::text, ((((n.date)::date + ((((m.date)::numeric)::text || 'mont

hs'::text))::interval))::date)::timestamp with time zone) - '1 day'::interval))::date)::text, m.up_load_data, n.fdyz

         Hash Cond: ((m.mapping_code = n.mapping_code) AND (m.channel = n.channel))

         Buffers: shared hit=30869, temp read=8103 written=8102

         ->  CTE Scan on m  (cost=0.00..18847.52 rows=942376 width=288) (actual time=158.442..558.052 rows=895056 loops=1)

               Output: m.date, m.accumulation, m.prod_type, m.if, m.plan_code, m.mapping_code, m.channel, m.variable, m.up_load_data

               Buffers: shared hit=7417, temp read=8103 written=1

         ->  Hash  (cost=0.04..0.04 rows=2 width=128) (actual time=1251.514..1251.514 rows=4764 loops=1)

               Output: n.date, n.fdyz, n.mapping_code, n.channel

               Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 325kB

               Buffers: shared hit=23452, temp written=8101

               ->  CTE Scan on n  (cost=0.00..0.04 rows=2 width=128) (actual time=1230.643..1249.718 rows=4764 loops=1)

                     Output: n.date, n.fdyz, n.mapping_code, n.channel

                     Buffers: shared hit=23452, temp written=8101

Planning time: 0.666 ms

Execution time: 93783.172 ms

(60 rows)


Time: 93790.518 ms

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