On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 9:20 PM, Steven Chang <stevenchang1213@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello Scott,Nagios is an alert system, I guess the check_postgres module is in use.EM Grid is a management console whose functions are not just alert , but also remote control, etc.Hello Ravi,From a open source standing, I propose pgcluu. But it doesn't include remote control .Best Regards,Steven2017-05-26 4:00 GMT+08:00 Scott Whitney <scott@xxxxxxxxxxx>:Personally I push those off to my network monitor. Nagios in my case.
I find a single integrated alert and escalation framework is better than individual tools, but that's just me.
If you're using Nagios, let me know, and I can pop you several stub scripts to help.
Personally, I'm a huge fan of grafana and collectd It's definitely not a pre-packaged solution, but it's simple, easy to use and very, VERY fast. Alerts with nagios work, but, nagios is awful with history and trending, but, it beats most others for just alerts
On May 25, 2017 2:50 PM, Ravi Tammineni <rtammineni@partner.aligntech.com > wrote:
What is the best monitoring tool for Postgres database? Something like Oracle Enterprise Manager.
Specifically I am interested in tools to help:
Alert DBAs to problems with both configuration and performance issues
Deadlocks, Long running queries etc.,
Monitoring of overall system performance
General performance tuning
Storage/Disk latencies
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