Re: Questionaire: Common WAL write rates on busy servers.

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On 04/25/2017 06:17 AM, Andres Freund wrote:

I've lately seen more and more installations where the generation of
write-ahead-log (WAL) is one of the primary bottlenecks. I'm curious
whether that's primarily a "sampling error" of mine, or whether
that's indeed more common.

I see those cases too. To some degree it's a sampling bias. People generally don't call us to look at the 99% of systems that perform fine, so we tend to see the the 1% of systems under pressure.

That doesn't make that observation irrelevant, though. Those demanding systems are one of the things that pushes us forward.

The primary reason I'm curious is that I'm pondering a few potential
optimizations, and would like to have some guidance which are more
and which are less important.

I think any optimization you do will improve at least some of those busy systems.

Questions (answer as many you can comfortably answer):
- How many MB/s, segments/s do you see on busier servers?

That depends on the cause (see the next point).

- What generates the bulk of WAL on your servers (9.5+ can use
  pg_xlogdump --stats to compute that)?

a) systems doing large batches
   - bulk loads/updates/deletes, one or few sessions doing a lot
   - easily high hundreds of MB/s (on a separate device)

b) OLTP systems doing a lot of tiny/small transactions
   - many concurrent sessions
   - often end up much more limited by WAL, due to locking etc.
   - often the trouble is random updates all over the place, causing
     amplification due to FPI (PK on UUID is a great way to cause this
     unnecessarily even on apps with naturally tiny working set)

- Are you seeing WAL writes being a bottleneck?OA

On the write-intensive systems, yes. Often the CPUs are waiting for WAL I/O to complete during COMMIT.

- What kind of backup methods are you using and is the WAL volume a

The large and busy systems can easily produce so much WAL, that the basebackup is not the largest part of the backup. That is somewhat solvable by using other means of obtaining the basebackup snapshot (e.g. by taking some sort of filesystem / SAN / ... snapshot). That reduces the amount of WAL needed to make the basebackup consistent, but it doesn't solve the WAL archiving issue.

- What kind of replication are you using and is the WAL volume a

Generally streaming replication, and yes, the amount of WAL may be an issue, partially because the standby is a single-process thing. And as it has to process something generated by N sessions on the primary, that can't end well.

Interestingly enough, FPIs can actually make it way faster, because the standby does not need to read the data from disk during recovery.

- What are your settings for wal_compression, max_wal_size (9.5+) /
  checkpoint_segments (< 9.5), checkpoint_timeout and wal_buffers?

I'd say the usual practice is to tune for timed checkpoints, say 30+ minutes apart (or more). wal_compression is typically 'off' (i.e. the default value).

- Could you quickly describe your workload?

Pretty much a little bit of everything, depending on the customer.


Tomas Vondra        
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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