Yes, postgres has partitions: But this is not going to help much in the scenario you have. Postgres can ingest data very very fast, 100M records in seconds - minutes , faster than oracle can serve it in many scenarios (all I have tested). Specially if you use COPY command and even faster if you use the unlogged feature You can tune postgres to make it even faster, but it’s not normally necessary, with the two advices I gave you firstly, is more than enough, If I don’t remember it wrong you can move 100M records in ~ 2 minutes. But if you are going to move a record at a time you are going to be limited by the fastest transaction rate you can achieve, which is going to be a few hundred per second, and limited at the end by the disk hardware you have, . Out of the box and on commodity hardware it can take you up to then days to move 100M records. So, my recomendation is to find a way to batch record insertions using copy, the benefits you can achieve tunning postgres are going to be marginal compared with COPY. Regards Daniel Blanch.