On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 6:26 PM, Pat Maddox <pat@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi there,I’ve been asked to help with a project dealing with slow queries. I’m brand new to the project, so I have very little context. I’ve gathered as much information as I can.I’ve put the schema, query, and explain info in gists to maintain their formatting.We are stumped with this slow query right now. I could really use some help looking for ways to speed it up.If you need any more information, please let me know.
You could try a partial index on:
(account_id, completed_at desc, taskable_name, position, assigned_to_user_id) where "tasks"."archived" != 't' AND "tasks"."complete" = 't'
Also, the poor estimate of the number of rows on your scan of index_permissions_on_user_id_and_object_id_and_object_type suggests that you are not analyzing (and so probably also not vacuuming) often enough.