Re: Performance issue in PostgreSQL server...

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On Sun, Mar 05, 2017 at 08:23:08PM -0800, Jeff Janes wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 4:44 AM, Dinesh Chandra 12108 <Dinesh.Chandra@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > The below is the output for psql=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT DISTINCT
> > feature_id FROM evidence.point p INNER JOIN evidence.observation_evidence
> > oe ON p.feature_id = oe.evd_feature_id WHERE p.domain_class_id IN (11) AND
> > (p.modification_time > '2015-05-10 00:06:56.056 IST' OR
> > oe.modification_time > '2015-05-10 00:06:56.056 IST') ORDER BY feature_id
> ...
> >                      ->  Index Scan using point_domain_class_id_index on point p  (cost=0.00..1483472.70 rows=1454751 width=16) (actual time=27.265..142101.1 59 rows=1607491 loops=1)
> >                            Index Cond: (domain_class_id = 11)
> Why wouldn't this be using a bitmap scan rather than a regular index scan?
> It seems like it should prefer the bitmap scan, unless the table is well
> clustered on domain_class_id.  In which case, why isn't it just faster?

Could you send:

SELECT * FROM pg_stats WHERE tablename='point' AND attname='domain_class_id' ;

.. or if that's too verbose or you don't want to share the histogram or MCV

SELECT correlation FROM pg_stats WHERE tablename='point' AND attname='domain_class_id' ;


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