Increments in pgbackrest are done on file level which is not really
efficient. We have done parallelism, compression and page-level
increments (9.3+) in barman fork [1], but unfortunately guys from
2ndquadrant-it don’t hurry to work on it.
We're looking at page-level incremental backup in pgbackrest also. For
larger systems, we've not heard too much complaining about it being
file-based though, which is why it hasn't been a priority. Of course,
the OP is on 9.1 too, so.
Well, we have forked barman and made everything from the above just
because we needed ~ 2 PB of disk space for storing backups for our ~ 300
TB of data. (Our recovery window is 7 days) And on 5 TB database it took
a lot of time to make/restore a backup.
I just have around 11 TB but switched to ZFS based backups only. I'm
using snapshots therefore which gives some flexibility. I can rolback
them, i can just clone it and work with a full copy as a different
cluster (and just the differences are stored) and i can send them
incrementally to other servers. This is very fine for my use cases but
it doesn't fit everything of course.
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