If GUIDs *stored in a binary format* were too large, then you won't be terribly happy with the 24 byte per-row overhead in Postgres.
Heh. In this case the ids have a life outside the database in various text formats.
What I would look into at this point is using int ranges and arrays to greatly reduce your overhead:
document_version_id int NOT NULL REFERENCES document_version
, document_line_range int4range NOT NULL
, document_lines text[] NOT NULL
, EXCLUDE USING gist( document_version_id =, document_line_range && )
Thanks! Some new things for me to learn about there. Had to read "Range Types: Your Life Will Never Be The Same" - lol. https://wiki.postgresql.org/
To check I understand what you are proposing: the current version and history is stored in the same table. Each line is referred to by a sequential line number and then lines are stored in sequential chunks with range + array. The gist index is preventing any insert with the same version & line range. This sounds very compact for a static doc but doesn't it mean lines must be renumbered on inserts/moves?
On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 9:26 AM, Dev Nop <devnop0@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
If GUIDs *stored in a binary format* were too large, then you won't be terribly happy with the 24 byte per-row overhead in Postgres.Heh. In this case the ids have a life outside the database in various text formats.What I would look into at this point is using int ranges and arrays to greatly reduce your overhead:
document_version_id int NOT NULL REFERENCES document_version
, document_line_range int4range NOT NULL
, document_lines text[] NOT NULL
, EXCLUDE USING gist( document_version_id =, document_line_range && )
Thanks! Some new things for me to learn about there. Had to read "Range Types: Your Life Will Never Be The Same" - lol. https://wiki.postgresql.org/images/7/73/Range-types- pgopen-2012.pdf
To check I understand what you are proposing: the current version and history is stored in the same table. Each line is referred to by a sequential line number and then lines are stored in sequential chunks with range + array. The gist index is preventing any insert with the same version & line range. This sounds very compact for a static doc but doesn't it mean lines must be renumbered on inserts/moves?