I have an application which stores a large amounts of hex-encoded hash strings (nearly 100 GB of them), which means:
- The number of distinct characters (alphabet) is limited to 16
- Each string is of the same length, 64 characters
- The strings are essentially random
Creating a B-Tree index on this results in the index size being larger than the table itself, and there are disk space constraints.
I've found the SP-GIST radix tree index, and thought it could be a good match for the data because of the above constraints. An attempt to create it (as in CREATE INDEX ON t USING spgist(field_name)) apparently takes more than 12 hours (while a similar B-tree index takes a few hours at most), so I've interrupted it because "it probably is not going to finish in a reasonable time". Some slides I found on the spgist index allude that both build time and size are not really suitable for this purpose.
My question is: what would be the most size-efficient index for this situation?