Performance decline maybe caused by multi-column index?

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While developing a batch processing platform using postgresql as the underlying data store we are seeing a performance decline in our application.

In this application a job is broken up into chunks where each chunk contains a number of items (typically 10).

    id                      SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    chunkId            INTEGER NOT NULL,
    jobId                 INTEGER NOT NULL,
    -- other attributes omitted for brewity
    PRIMARY KEY (jobId, chunkId, id)

So a job with 600.000 items results in 600.000 rows in the items table with a fixed jobId, chunkId ranging from 0-59999 and for each chunkId an id ranging from 0-9.

All ten inserts for a particular chunkId are handled in a single transaction, and over time we are seeing an increase in transaction execution time, <100ms for the first 100.000 items, >300ms when we reach the 400.000 mark, and the trend seems to be forever increasing.

No decline is observed if we instead sequentially submit 6 jobs of 100.000 items each.

Therefore we are beginning to wonder if we are hitting some sort of upper limit with regards to the multi column index? Perhaps something causing it to sort on disk or something like that?

Any suggestions to the cause of this would be very much appreciated.

jobstore=> SELECT version();
PostgreSQL 9.4.4 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 4.7.2-5) 4.7.2, 64-bit

jobstore=> SELECT name, current_setting(name), SOURCE
jobstore->   FROM pg_settings
jobstore->   WHERE SOURCE NOT IN ('default', 'override');
            name            |            current_setting |        source
 application_name           | psql | client
 client_encoding            | UTF8 | client
 DateStyle                  | ISO, YMD | configuration file
 default_text_search_config | pg_catalog.english | configuration file
 lc_messages                | en_DK.UTF-8 | configuration file
 lc_monetary                | en_DK.UTF-8 | configuration file
 lc_numeric                 | en_DK.UTF-8 | configuration file
 lc_time                    | en_DK.UTF-8 | configuration file
 listen_addresses           | * | configuration file
 log_line_prefix            | %t | configuration file
 log_timezone               | localtime | configuration file
 max_connections            | 100 | configuration file
 max_stack_depth            | 2MB | environment variable
 port                       | 5432 | configuration file
 shared_buffers             | 128MB | configuration file
 ssl                        | on | configuration file
ssl_cert_file | /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem | configuration file ssl_key_file | /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key | configuration file
 TimeZone                   | localtime | configuration file

Kind regards,

Jan Bauer Nielsen
Software developer
DBC as

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