Hi all,
I’m trying to track down why some queries on my database system are intermittently much slower than usual. I have some queries that run, on average, 2-3ms, and they run at a rate of about 10-20 queries/second. However, every 3-5 seconds, one of the queries
will be 500-100ms. This is making the average query time turn out to be closer to 20ms, with a very large standard deviation.
This happens to a number of otherwise very fast queries, and I’m trying to trace the reason. I’ve turned on lock logging and checkpoint logging, and this behavior happens whether or not a checkpoint is occurring. There are no lock waits happening in
the system either.
Here’s my info:
- PostgreSQL 9.2.9 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4), 64-bit
- Installed from Postgresql Yum repo
- Changed Settings:
"application_name";"pgAdmin III - Query Tool";"client"
"archive_command";"/usr/crsinc/bin/wal_processor.sh %f %p";"configuration file"
"archive_mode";"on";"configuration file"
"autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor";"0.1";"configuration file"
"autovacuum_analyze_threshold";"500";"configuration file"
"autovacuum_naptime";"10min";"configuration file"
"autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay";"50ms";"configuration file"
"autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit";"250";"configuration file"
"autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor";"0.1";"configuration file"
"autovacuum_vacuum_threshold";"1000";"configuration file"
"bgwriter_delay";"100ms";"configuration file"
"bgwriter_lru_maxpages";"1000";"configuration file"
"checkpoint_completion_target";"0.7";"configuration file"
"checkpoint_segments";"128";"configuration file"
"checkpoint_timeout";"30min";"configuration file"
"checkpoint_warning";"895s";"configuration file"
"cpu_tuple_cost";"0.001";"configuration file"
"DateStyle";"ISO, MDY";"session"
"default_text_search_config";"pg_catalog.english";"configuration file"
"effective_cache_size";"94GB";"configuration file"
"effective_io_concurrency";"100";"configuration file"
"hot_standby";"off";"configuration file"
"hot_standby_feedback";"off";"configuration file"
"lc_messages";"en_US.UTF-8";"configuration file"
"lc_monetary";"en_US.UTF-8";"configuration file"
"lc_numeric";"en_US.UTF-8";"configuration file"
"lc_time";"en_US.UTF-8";"configuration file"
"listen_addresses";"*";"configuration file"
"log_checkpoints";"on";"configuration file"
"log_destination";"stderr";"configuration file"
"log_directory";"pg_log";"configuration file"
"log_filename";"postgresql-%a.log";"configuration file"
"log_line_prefix";"< user=%u db=%d host=%h time=%t pid=%p xid=%x>";"configuration file"
"log_lock_waits";"on";"configuration file"
"log_min_duration_statement";"100ms";"configuration file"
"log_rotation_age";"1d";"configuration file"
"log_rotation_size";"0";"configuration file"
"log_temp_files";"0";"configuration file"
"log_truncate_on_rotation";"on";"configuration file"
"logging_collector";"on";"configuration file"
"maintenance_work_mem";"6047MB";"configuration file"
"max_connections";"1300";"configuration file"
"max_stack_depth";"2MB";"environment variable"
"max_wal_senders";"4";"configuration file"
"port";"5432";"command line"
"random_page_cost";"1.9";"configuration file"
"shared_buffers";"8GB";"configuration file"
"ssl";"on";"configuration file"
"ssl_renegotiation_limit";"0";"configuration file"
"standard_conforming_strings";"off";"configuration file"
"superuser_reserved_connections";"10";"configuration file"
"TimeZone";"US/Pacific";"configuration file"
"wal_keep_segments";"64";"configuration file"
"wal_level";"hot_standby";"configuration file"
"work_mem";"188MB";"configuration file"
OS: CentOS release 6.7 (Linux databasep1.crsinc.com 2.6.32-504.16.2.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Apr 22 06:48:29 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux). Our server has 24 cores and 128 GB of RAM.
This happens via psql, JDBC, PDO connections.
Thanks in advance for any help!
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