I have a query that produce a different query plan if I put a trim in one of the columns in the order by.
When i put the trim in any column it use hashaggregate and took 3 seconds against 30 when not.
Is wear because the columns is clean not need to be trimmed, I have check that.
The problem is that I can't change the query because is generate by the mondrian.
I do research and found in postgres list that I need to crank work_mem up high but don't work for me.
My postgresql.conf
# Add settings for extensions here
default_statistics_target = 50 # pgtune wizard 2014-06-04
maintenance_work_mem = 1GB # pgtune wizard 2014-06-04
constraint_exclusion = on # pgtune wizard 2014-06-04
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9 # pgtune wizard 2014-06-04
effective_cache_size = 44GB # pgtune wizard 2014-06-04
work_mem = 1536MB # pgtune wizard 2014-06-04
#work_mem = 16GB # I have try this but don't work
wal_buffers = 32MB # pgtune wizard 2014-06-04
checkpoint_segments = 16 # pgtune wizard 2014-06-04
shared_buffers = 15GB # pgtune wizard 2014-06-04
max_connections = 20 # pgtune wizard 2014-06-04
Query with trim
SELECT "dim_cliente"."tipocliente" AS "c0",
"dim_cliente"."a1_ibge" AS "c1",
"dim_cliente"."a1_cod" AS "c2",
"dim_cliente"."a1_nome" AS "c3",
"dim_vendedor"."a3_nome" AS "c4"
FROM "public"."dim_cliente" AS "dim_cliente",
"public"."fato_ventas_productos" AS "fato_ventas_productos",
"public"."dim_vendedor" AS "dim_vendedor"
WHERE "fato_ventas_productos"."key_cliente" = "dim_cliente"."key_cliente"
AND "fato_ventas_productos"."key_vendedor" = "dim_vendedor"."key_vendedor"
BY "dim_cliente"."tipocliente" ,
BY trim("dim_cliente"."tipocliente") ASC NULLS LAST,
"dim_cliente"."a1_ibge" ASC NULLS LAST, -- the same result if I put the trim here
"dim_cliente"."a1_cod" ASC NULLS LAST, -- or here
"dim_cliente"."a1_nome" ASC NULLS LAST; -- or here
-- this query took 3845.895 ms
Query Plan when using trim
Sort (cost=193101.41..195369.80 rows=907357 width=129) (actual time=3828.176..3831.261 rows=43615 loops=1)
Output: dim_cliente.tipocliente, dim_cliente.a1_ibge, dim_cliente.a1_cod, dim_cliente.a1_nome, dim_vendedor.a3_nome, (btrim((dim_cliente.tipocliente)::text))
Sort Key: (btrim((dim_cliente.tipocliente)::text)), dim_cliente.a1_ibge, dim_cliente.a1_cod, dim_cliente.a1_nome
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 13121kB
-> HashAggregate (cost=91970.52..103312.49 rows=907357 width=129) (actual time=2462.690..2496.729 rows=43615 loops=1)
Output: dim_cliente.tipocliente, dim_cliente.a1_ibge, dim_cliente.a1_cod, dim_cliente.a1_nome, dim_vendedor.a3_nome, btrim((dim_cliente.tipocliente)::text)
-> Hash Join (cost=856.30..80628.56 rows=907357 width=129) (actual time=29.524..1533.880 rows=907357 loops=1)
Output: dim_cliente.tipocliente, dim_cliente.a1_ibge, dim_cliente.a1_cod, dim_cliente.a1_nome, dim_vendedor.a3_nome
Hash Cond: (fato_ventas_productos.key_vendedor = dim_vendedor.key_vendedor)
-> Hash Join (cost=830.02..68126.13 rows=907357 width=86) (actual time=28.746..1183.691 rows=907357 loops=1)
Output: dim_cliente.tipocliente, dim_cliente.a1_ibge, dim_cliente.a1_cod, dim_cliente.a1_nome, fato_ventas_productos.key_vendedor
Hash Cond: (fato_ventas_productos.key_cliente = dim_cliente.key_cliente)
-> Seq Scan on public.fato_ventas_productos (cost=0.00..46880.57 rows=907357 width=16) (actual time=0.004..699.779 rows=907357 loops=1)
Output: fato_ventas_productos.key_cliente, fato_ventas_productos.key_vendedor
-> Hash (cost=618.90..618.90 rows=16890 width=86) (actual time=28.699..28.699 rows=16890 loops=1)
Output: dim_cliente.tipocliente, dim_cliente.a1_ibge, dim_cliente.a1_cod, dim_cliente.a1_nome, dim_cliente.key_cliente
Buckets: 2048 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 1980kB
-> Seq Scan on public.dim_cliente (cost=0.00..618.90 rows=16890 width=86) (actual time=0.008..16.537 rows=16890 loops=1)
Output: dim_cliente.tipocliente, dim_cliente.a1_ibge, dim_cliente.a1_cod, dim_cliente.a1_nome, dim_cliente.key_cliente
-> Hash (cost=18.90..18.90 rows=590 width=59) (actual time=0.747..0.747 rows=590 loops=1)
Output: dim_vendedor.a3_nome, dim_vendedor.key_vendedor
Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 56kB
-> Seq Scan on public.dim_vendedor (cost=0.00..18.90 rows=590 width=59) (actual time=0.026..0.423 rows=590 loops=1)
Output: dim_vendedor.a3_nome, dim_vendedor.key_vendedor
Total runtime: 3845.895 ms
(25 filas)
Query without trim
SELECT "dim_cliente"."tipocliente" AS "c0",
"dim_cliente"."a1_ibge" AS "c1",
"dim_cliente"."a1_cod" AS "c2",
"dim_cliente"."a1_nome" AS "c3",
"dim_vendedor"."a3_nome" AS "c4"
FROM "public"."dim_cliente" AS "dim_cliente",
"public"."fato_ventas_productos" AS "fato_ventas_productos",
"public"."dim_vendedor" AS "dim_vendedor"
WHERE "fato_ventas_productos"."key_cliente" = "dim_cliente"."key_cliente"
AND "fato_ventas_productos"."key_vendedor" = "dim_vendedor"."key_vendedor"
BY "dim_cliente"."tipocliente" ,
BY "dim_cliente"."tipocliente" ASC NULLS LAST,
"dim_cliente"."a1_ibge" ASC NULLS LAST,
"dim_cliente"."a1_cod" ASC NULLS LAST,
"dim_cliente"."a1_nome" ASC NULLS LAST;
-- this query took 37249.268 ms
Query Plan when not using trim
Group (cost=170417.48..184027.84 rows=907357 width=129) (actual time=36649.329..37235.158 rows=43615 loops=1)
Output: dim_cliente.tipocliente, dim_cliente.a1_ibge, dim_cliente.a1_cod, dim_cliente.a1_nome, dim_vendedor.a3_nome
-> Sort (cost=170417.48..172685.88 rows=907357 width=129) (actual time=36649.315..36786.760 rows=907357 loops=1)
Output: dim_cliente.tipocliente, dim_cliente.a1_ibge, dim_cliente.a1_cod, dim_cliente.a1_nome, dim_vendedor.a3_nome
Sort Key: dim_cliente.tipocliente, dim_cliente.a1_ibge, dim_cliente.a1_cod, dim_cliente.a1_nome, dim_vendedor.a3_nome
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 265592kB
-> Hash Join (cost=856.30..80628.56 rows=907357 width=129) (actual time=26.719..1593.693 rows=907357 loops=1)
Output: dim_cliente.tipocliente, dim_cliente.a1_ibge, dim_cliente.a1_cod, dim_cliente.a1_nome, dim_vendedor.a3_nome
Hash Cond: (fato_ventas_productos.key_vendedor = dim_vendedor.key_vendedor)
-> Hash Join (cost=830.02..68126.13 rows=907357 width=86) (actual time=25.980..1203.775 rows=907357 loops=1)
Output: dim_cliente.tipocliente, dim_cliente.a1_ibge, dim_cliente.a1_cod, dim_cliente.a1_nome, fato_ventas_productos.key_vendedor
Hash Cond: (fato_ventas_productos.key_cliente = dim_cliente.key_cliente)
-> Seq Scan on public.fato_ventas_productos (cost=0.00..46880.57 rows=907357 width=16) (actual time=0.004..680.283 rows=907357 loops=1)
Output: fato_ventas_productos.key_cliente, fato_ventas_productos.key_vendedor
-> Hash (cost=618.90..618.90 rows=16890 width=86) (actual time=25.931..25.931 rows=16890 loops=1)
Output: dim_cliente.tipocliente, dim_cliente.a1_ibge, dim_cliente.a1_cod, dim_cliente.a1_nome, dim_cliente.key_cliente
Buckets: 2048 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 1980kB
-> Seq Scan on public.dim_cliente (cost=0.00..618.90 rows=16890 width=86) (actual time=0.005..13.736 rows=16890 loops=1)
Output: dim_cliente.tipocliente, dim_cliente.a1_ibge, dim_cliente.a1_cod, dim_cliente.a1_nome, dim_cliente.key_cliente
-> Hash (cost=18.90..18.90 rows=590 width=59) (actual time=0.715..0.715 rows=590 loops=1)
Output: dim_vendedor.a3_nome, dim_vendedor.key_vendedor
Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 56kB
-> Seq Scan on public.dim_vendedor (cost=0.00..18.90 rows=590 width=59) (actual time=0.024..0.405 rows=590 loops=1)
Output: dim_vendedor.a3_nome, dim_vendedor.key_vendedor
Total runtime: 37249.268 ms
(25 filas)
Is anything that I can do to solve this problem, is that a bug or a config problem?
Here the link with a dump of the tables
I appreciate your help