# \d article_729
Table "public.article_729"
Column | Type | Modifiers
aid | bigint | not null default nextval('article_aid_seq'::regclass)
style | smallint | not null default 0
oaid | bigint | default 0
fid | integer |
bid | integer | default 0
cid | integer |
tid | integer |
url | text | default NULL::bpchar
tm_post | timestamp without time zone |
tm_last_rply | timestamp without time zone |
author | character varying(100) | default NULL::bpchar
title | character varying(255) | default NULL::bpchar
content | text |
ab_content | text |
rply_cnt | integer |
read_cnt | integer |
url_hash | character(32) | not null
hash_plain | text | default NULL::bpchar
title_hash | character(32) | default NULL::bpchar
guid | character(32) | default NULL::bpchar
neg_pos | smallint | not null default 0
match_code | character(32) | default NULL::bpchar
tm_spider | timestamp without time zone |
tm_update | timestamp without time zone |
stage | smallint | not null default 0
rply_cut | integer | not null default 0
read_cut | integer | not null default 0
src | integer | default 0
rfid | integer |
labels | integer[] |
kwds | integer[] |
like_cnt | integer |
"article_729_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (aid), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_url_hash" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (url_hash), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_bid_titlehash_idx" btree (bid, title_hash), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_fid_idx" btree (fid), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_guid_idx" btree (guid), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_labels_idx" gin (labels), tablespace "data1tbs"
"article_729_mtcode_idx" btree (match_code), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_rfid_author_idx" btree (rfid, author), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_stage_idx" btree (stage), tablespace "data1tbs"
"article_729_time_style_idx" btree (tm_post DESC, style), tablespace "data1tbs"
"article_729_tm_spider_idx" btree (tm_spider), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_tm_update_idx" btree (tm_update), tablespace "data1tbs"
Check constraints:
"article_729_cid_check" CHECK (cid = 729)
Foreign-key constraints:
"article_729_cid_fk" FOREIGN KEY (cid) REFERENCES company(cid) ON DELETE CASCADE
trg_article_729_delete AFTER DELETE ON article_729 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_article_delete()
trg_article_729_insert AFTER INSERT ON article_729 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_article_insert()
trg_article_729_update AFTER UPDATE ON article_729 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_article_update()
Inherits: article
Table "public.article_729"
Column | Type | Modifiers
aid | bigint | not null default nextval('article_aid_seq'::regclass)
style | smallint | not null default 0
oaid | bigint | default 0
fid | integer |
bid | integer | default 0
cid | integer |
tid | integer |
url | text | default NULL::bpchar
tm_post | timestamp without time zone |
tm_last_rply | timestamp without time zone |
author | character varying(100) | default NULL::bpchar
title | character varying(255) | default NULL::bpchar
content | text |
ab_content | text |
rply_cnt | integer |
read_cnt | integer |
url_hash | character(32) | not null
hash_plain | text | default NULL::bpchar
title_hash | character(32) | default NULL::bpchar
guid | character(32) | default NULL::bpchar
neg_pos | smallint | not null default 0
match_code | character(32) | default NULL::bpchar
tm_spider | timestamp without time zone |
tm_update | timestamp without time zone |
stage | smallint | not null default 0
rply_cut | integer | not null default 0
read_cut | integer | not null default 0
src | integer | default 0
rfid | integer |
labels | integer[] |
kwds | integer[] |
like_cnt | integer |
"article_729_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (aid), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_url_hash" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (url_hash), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_bid_titlehash_idx" btree (bid, title_hash), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_fid_idx" btree (fid), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_guid_idx" btree (guid), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_labels_idx" gin (labels), tablespace "data1tbs"
"article_729_mtcode_idx" btree (match_code), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_rfid_author_idx" btree (rfid, author), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_stage_idx" btree (stage), tablespace "data1tbs"
"article_729_time_style_idx" btree (tm_post DESC, style), tablespace "data1tbs"
"article_729_tm_spider_idx" btree (tm_spider), tablespace "indextbs"
"article_729_tm_update_idx" btree (tm_update), tablespace "data1tbs"
Check constraints:
"article_729_cid_check" CHECK (cid = 729)
Foreign-key constraints:
"article_729_cid_fk" FOREIGN KEY (cid) REFERENCES company(cid) ON DELETE CASCADE
trg_article_729_delete AFTER DELETE ON article_729 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_article_delete()
trg_article_729_insert AFTER INSERT ON article_729 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_article_insert()
trg_article_729_update AFTER UPDATE ON article_729 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_article_update()
Inherits: article
2015-08-11 21:53 GMT+08:00 Maxim Boguk <maxim.boguk@xxxxxxxxx>:
On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 11:44 PM, Rural Hunter <ruralhunter@gmail.com> wrote:# \dt+article_729
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Description
public | article_729 | table | omuser1 | 655 MB |
(1 row)
The problem exists on not only this specific child table, but with all of them.Oops sorry, оf course I mean "\d+ article_729" (to see criteria used for partitioning).
--Maxim Boguk
Senior Postgresql DBA