Re: 9.5alpha1 vs 9.4

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And this is with 9.4 in the same hardware ( restored from backup)

       0.35 |            0.35 |  1002 | DELETE FROM t_inodes WHERE ipnfsid=$1 AND inlink = ?
       0.16 |            0.16 |  1006 | insert into t_dirs (iparent, iname, ipnfsid)  (select $1 as iparent, $2 as iname, $3 as ipnfsid  where not exists (select
 ? from t_dirs where iparent=$4 and iname=$5))
       0.15 |            0.02 |  8026 | SELECT isize,inlink,itype,imode,iuid,igid,iatime,ictime,imtime,icrtime,igeneration FROM t_inodes WHERE ipnfsid=$1
       0.06 |            0.06 |  1002 | INSERT INTO t_inodes VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13)
       0.04 |            0.02 |  2004 | UPDATE t_inodes SET inlink=inlink -$1,imtime=$2,ictime=$3,igeneration=igeneration+? WHERE ipnfsid=$4
       0.03 |            0.01 |  2000 | SELECT ilocation,ipriority,ictime,iatime  FROM t_locationinfo WHERE itype=$1 AND ipnfsid=$2 AND istate=? ORDER BY ipriori
       0.02 |            0.02 |  1002 | UPDATE t_inodes SET inlink=inlink +$1,imtime=$2,ictime=$3,igeneration=igeneration+? WHERE ipnfsid=$4
       0.02 |            0.01 |  2006 | SELECT ipnfsid FROM t_dirs WHERE iname=$1 AND iparent=$2
       0.01 |            0.01 |  1006 | DELETE FROM t_dirs WHERE iname=$1 AND iparent=$2
       0.00 |            0.00 |  2004 | COMMI


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mkrtchyan, Tigran" <tigran.mkrtchyan@xxxxxxx>
> To: "pgsql-performance" <pgsql-performance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 1:10:51 PM
> Subject:  9.5alpha1 vs 9.4

> Hi,
> today I have update my test system to 9.5alpha1.
> Most of the operations are ok, except delete.
> I get ~1000 times slower!
> chimera=# SELECT
>  (total_time / 1000 )::numeric(10,2) as total_secs,
>  (total_time/calls)::numeric(10,2) as average_time_ms, calls,
>  query
> FROM pg_stat_statements where userid = 16384
> LIMIT 10;
> total_secs | average_time_ms | calls |
> query
> ------------+-----------------+-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------
>     255.88 |          566.11 |   452 | DELETE FROM t_inodes WHERE ipnfsid=$1 AND
>     inlink = ?
>       0.13 |            0.13 |  1006 | insert into t_dirs (iparent, iname, ipnfsid)
>       (select $1 as iparent, $2 as iname, $3 as ipnfsid  where not exists (select ?
>       from t_dirs where iparent=$4 and iname=$5))
>       0.11 |            0.02 |  6265 | SELECT
>       isize,inlink,itype,imode,iuid,igid,iatime,ictime,imtime,icrtime,igeneration
>       FROM t_inodes WHERE ipnfsid=$1
>       0.03 |            0.03 |  1002 | INSERT INTO t_inodes
>       VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13)
>       0.02 |            0.02 |  1002 | UPDATE t_inodes SET inlink=inlink
>       +$1,imtime=$2,ictime=$3,igeneration=igeneration+? WHERE ipnfsid=$4
>       0.02 |            0.03 |   905 | UPDATE t_inodes SET inlink=inlink
>       -$1,imtime=$2,ictime=$3,igeneration=igeneration+? WHERE ipnfsid=$4
>       0.02 |            0.01 |  2000 | SELECT ilocation,ipriority,ictime,iatime  FROM
>       t_locationinfo WHERE itype=$1 AND ipnfsid=$2 AND istate=? ORDER BY ipriority
>       DESC
>       0.01 |            0.01 |   906 | SELECT ipnfsid FROM t_dirs WHERE iname=$1 AND
>       iparent=$2
>       0.01 |            0.01 |   453 | DELETE FROM t_dirs WHERE iname=$1 AND
>       iparent=$2
> chimera=# \d t_inodes
>                     Table "public.t_inodes"
>   Column    |           Type           |       Modifiers
> -------------+--------------------------+------------------------
> ipnfsid     | character varying(36)    | not null
> itype       | integer                  | not null
> imode       | integer                  | not null
> inlink      | integer                  | not null
> iuid        | integer                  | not null
> igid        | integer                  | not null
> isize       | bigint                   | not null
> iio         | integer                  | not null
> ictime      | timestamp with time zone | not null
> iatime      | timestamp with time zone | not null
> imtime      | timestamp with time zone | not null
> icrtime     | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()
> igeneration | bigint                   | not null default 0
> Indexes:
>    "t_inodes_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (ipnfsid)
> Referenced by:
>    TABLE "t_access_latency" CONSTRAINT "t_access_latency_ipnfsid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY
>    (ipnfsid) REFERENCES t_inodes(ipnfsid) ON DELETE CASCADE
>    TABLE "t_acl" CONSTRAINT "t_acl_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (rs_id) REFERENCES
>    t_inodes(ipnfsid) ON DELETE CASCADE
>    TABLE "t_dirs" CONSTRAINT "t_dirs_ipnfsid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (ipnfsid) REFERENCES
>    t_inodes(ipnfsid)
>    TABLE "t_inodes_checksum" CONSTRAINT "t_inodes_checksum_ipnfsid_fkey" FOREIGN
>    KEY (ipnfsid) REFERENCES t_inodes(ipnfsid) ON DELETE CASCADE
>    TABLE "t_inodes_data" CONSTRAINT "t_inodes_data_ipnfsid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY
>    (ipnfsid) REFERENCES t_inodes(ipnfsid) ON DELETE CASCADE
>    TABLE "t_level_1" CONSTRAINT "t_level_1_ipnfsid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (ipnfsid)
>    REFERENCES t_inodes(ipnfsid) ON DELETE CASCADE
>    TABLE "t_level_2" CONSTRAINT "t_level_2_ipnfsid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (ipnfsid)
>    REFERENCES t_inodes(ipnfsid) ON DELETE CASCADE
>    TABLE "t_level_3" CONSTRAINT "t_level_3_ipnfsid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (ipnfsid)
>    REFERENCES t_inodes(ipnfsid) ON DELETE CASCADE
>    TABLE "t_level_4" CONSTRAINT "t_level_4_ipnfsid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (ipnfsid)
>    REFERENCES t_inodes(ipnfsid) ON DELETE CASCADE
>    TABLE "t_level_5" CONSTRAINT "t_level_5_ipnfsid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (ipnfsid)
>    REFERENCES t_inodes(ipnfsid) ON DELETE CASCADE
>    TABLE "t_level_6" CONSTRAINT "t_level_6_ipnfsid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (ipnfsid)
>    REFERENCES t_inodes(ipnfsid) ON DELETE CASCADE
>    TABLE "t_level_7" CONSTRAINT "t_level_7_ipnfsid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (ipnfsid)
>    REFERENCES t_inodes(ipnfsid) ON DELETE CASCADE
>    TABLE "t_locationinfo" CONSTRAINT "t_locationinfo_ipnfsid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY
>    (ipnfsid) REFERENCES t_inodes(ipnfsid) ON DELETE CASCADE
>    TABLE "t_retention_policy" CONSTRAINT "t_retention_policy_ipnfsid_fkey" FOREIGN
>    KEY (ipnfsid) REFERENCES t_inodes(ipnfsid) ON DELETE CASCADE
>    TABLE "t_storageinfo" CONSTRAINT "t_storageinfo_ipnfsid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY
>    (ipnfsid) REFERENCES t_inodes(ipnfsid) ON DELETE CASCADE
>    TABLE "t_tags" CONSTRAINT "t_tags_ipnfsid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (ipnfsid) REFERENCES
>    t_inodes(ipnfsid)
> Triggers:
>    tgr_locationinfo_trash BEFORE DELETE ON t_inodes FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE
>    f_locationinfo2trash()
> Any ideas?
>  Tigran.
> --
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