Re: PG 9.3 materialized view VS Views, indexes, shared memory

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On 2/20/15 12:09 PM, Nicolas Paris wrote:
Well it seems that max  query size for CREATE INDEX is 8160 character in
my 9.3 postgresql version.
Then the only solution see is to add  a new boolean field : huge_table.view1
and change predicat to "WHERE view1=1 "
But I may have 800 views.. adding 800 new fields indexed to the huge
table is actually not a good idea. Too bad

Any idea to solve that partial view limitation?

If you have that many different views I doubt you want that many indexes anyway.

Have you tried just hitting the base table and indexes directly, either through plain views or just direct SQL?

Also, how frequently does data change in the huge table? This sounds like a case where the visibility map could make a huge difference.

By the way, if all the Mat Views are in one schema that's already in the search path, a very easy way to test this would be to create an equivalent set of regular views in a different schema (which you can probably do programmatically via pg_get_viewdef()) and then change the search_path to put the new schema before the old.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble!

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