On 2/2/15 7:01 PM, Slava Mudry wrote:
Please don't top-post. It's much better to answer questions inline in an
I am running PostgreSQL 9.3.2 on linux. Freeze values are defaults.
We cannot rely on autovacuum on our current hardware, so it's turned
down to 2 workers with naptime=10min. But we are running weekly vacuum
on whole db and daily vacuum freeze on new partitions.
While you may not be able to rely on autovac for all your needs,
changing the naptime is unlikely to help much, unless you have an
extremely large number of tables (like, 100k or more).
I agree that system is designed pretty bad in a way that it creates high
transaction volume instead of batching updates/inserts. However I still
feel that postgres should be able to do something more optimal in such
Currently the fact that it needs to go back to old tables and FTS them
every 2B transactions (or rely on autovacuum for this) and you can't do
anything about it (like permanently freeze the tables) seems like a big
scalability issue. Does it not?
Unfortunately it's not terribly easy to fix this. The problem is if we
try to play games here, we must have a 100% reliable method for changing
relfrozenxid as soon as someone inserts a new tuple in the relation. It
might be possible to tie this into the visibility map, but no one has
looked at this yet.
Perhaps you'd be willing to investigate this, or sponsor the work?
Thank you.
On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 5:28 PM, Jim Nasby <Jim.Nasby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:Jim.Nasby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
On 1/30/15 5:44 PM, Slava Mudry wrote:
I have to deal with badly written system which regularly suffers
transaction wraparound issue. This issue is happenning every
10-14 days
and forces me to take system offline and vacuum in single-user mode.
Main causes for this are (afaik):
1) heavy transaction traffic + 100+GB of stale tables
2) slow i/o (rotational drives)
3) autovacuum can't keep up.
Basically the database stores events data in daily partitioned table
What I did, was - I ran vaccum freeze on all partitions (the
tables are
never touched after they're done for a day). I have also scheduled
vacuum-freeze for a partition after it's done writing.
This essentially set xmin in each partition to "frozen" value of
However, to my surprise, this was not enough!
Postgres stores relfrozenxid in pg_class and this value
apparently is
getting old pretty fast (due to high volume of transactions).
And it seems that it doesn't really matter that xmin is frozen for a
table, the relfrozenxid is what causing transaction wraparound.
relfrozenxid is only part of the picture. A database-wide freeze
vacuum will be controlled by pg_database.datfrozenxid.
What version is this? You may also be suffering from multixact wrap.
Why is that? and most importantly - why updating
requires huge amount of i/o by vacuum process for tables that
are never
Because it has to scan the entire table to see what the oldest XID
is. We don't check to see if relfrozenxid is already 2, though I
suppose we could add that.
Is it safe to just update pg_class.relfrozenxid for tables where
for all rows? Same for linked toast table?
That would be a great way to lose data...
You need to look at relations where relfrozenxid is >= 3 and see why
relfrozenxid isn't advancing fast enough on them. Check your cost
delay settings as well as the *freeze* settings. It's very likely
that on a system this busy autovac would never keep up with default
Also, keep in mind that transaction and multixact IDs are
cluster-wide, so this is going to affect all databases in that
instance. You should think about ways to move the heaviest
transaction workload to a separate cluster; possibly putting the raw
updates there and having a separate process that aggregates that
data into fewer transactions for the main cluster.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com
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