Re: Fast distinct not working as expected

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I have found the problem, using this query (found here
select pg_class.relname, pg_locks.transactionid, pg_locks.mode,
       pg_locks.granted as "g", pg_stat_activity.current_query,
       age(now(),pg_stat_activity.query_start) as "age",
from pg_stat_activity,pg_locks
left outer join pg_class on (pg_locks.relation = pg_class.oid)  
and pg_stat_activity.procpid = <AN IDLE TRANSACTION PROCESS>
order by query_start;

And indeed, we constantly have idle transcations. They all use the same dummy table, a dual table substitute containing only one column, and one row.
We use this table with tomcat-jdbc-pool to check connections health with 'select 1 from dual' (we don't use 'select 1' for portability reasons, to work with oracle also).
And these transactions are never commited. So we have a bunch of running transactions, constantly running and recreated by tomcat-jdbc-pool. Some of them run for hours.
This seems to impact significally the ability of postgresql to vacuum... and thus to keep efficient indexes!

Changing the configration of tomcat-jdbc-pool to 'select 1 from dual; commit;' seems to resolve the problem.

I'm going to ask on tomcat-jdbc-pool mailing-list if this is ok.

Thanks a lot for your help.


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