Hi To all Pg performance users, we've found a strange behaviour in PostgreSQL 9.1.9. Here' our server not default configuration : default_statistics_target = 100 # pgtune wizard 2011-07-06 maintenance_work_mem = 384MB # pgtune wizard 2011-07-06 constraint_exclusion = on # pgtune wizard 2011-07-06 checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9 # pgtune wizard 2011-07-06 effective_cache_size = 4608MB # pgtune wizard 2011-07-06 work_mem = 36MB # pgtune wizard 2011-07-06 wal_buffers = 8MB # pgtune wizard 2011-07-06 shared_buffers = 1024MB # pgtune wizard 2011-07-06 max_connections = 200 # pgtune wizard 2011-07-06 random_page_cost = 1.5 checkpoint_segments = 20 The server has 16G ram and 16G swap Here the story : We have a table witch store some tree data : CREATE TABLE rfoade ( rfoade___rforefide character varying(32) NOT NULL, -- Tree Category rfoade___rfovdeide character varying(32) NOT NULL, -- Tree NAME rfoade_i_rfodstide character varying(32) NOT NULL, -- Element NAME rfoadeaxe integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- ( not interresting here) rfoadervs integer NOT NULL, -- Tree revision rfoadenpm integer DEFAULT 1, -- ( not interresting here) rfoade_s_rfodstide character varying(32) NOT NULL, -- Element Father rfoadegch character varying(104) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'::character varying, -- Left Marker (used for query part of trees) rfoadedrt character varying(104) NOT NULL DEFAULT '99999'::character varying, -- Right Marker (used for query part of trees) rfoadeniv integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- Depth in trees rfoadetxt character varying(1500), -- Free text rfoadenum integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 99999, -- Mathematical data used for generating left and right markers rfoadeden integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 999, -- Mathematical data used for generating left and right markers rfoadechm character varying(4000) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'INVALID'::character varying, -- String with data about path to this node rfoadeord integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 999999, -- (order of node in brotherhood) CONSTRAINT rfoade_pk PRIMARY KEY (rfoade___rforefide, rfoade_i_rfodstide, rfoade___rfovdeide, rfoadervs) USING INDEX TABLESPACE tb_index_axabas, CONSTRAINT rfoade_fk_ade FOREIGN KEY (rfoade___rforefide, rfoade___rfovdeide, rfoade_s_rfodstide, rfoadervs) -- Constraint : father must exist REFERENCES rfoade (rfoade___rforefide, rfoade___rfovdeide, rfoade_i_rfodstide, rfoadervs) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT rfoade_fk_vde FOREIGN KEY (rfoade___rforefide, rfoade___rfovdeide, rfoadervs, rfoadeaxe) -- Constraint : tree must REFERENCES rfovde (rfovde___rforefide, rfovdeide, rfovdervs, rfovdeaxe) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT rfoade_int CHECK (rfoadedrt::text > rfoadegch::text), CONSTRAINT rfoade_ord CHECK (rfoadenum >= rfoadeden) ) This table is storing all trees of 'elements' in different organisations, one element can be in many trees The query witch lead to the evil behaviour is this one : ("analyse rfoade" was run just before) insert into rfoade ( rfoadechm, rfoadegch, rfoadedrt, rfoadenum, rfoadeden, rfoadeniv, rfoade___rforefide, rfoade___rfovdeide, rfoadervs, rfoade_i_rfodstide, rfoade_s_rfodstide, rfoadetxt, rfoadenpm, rfoadeord, rfoadeaxe) SELECT reffils.rfoadechm, reffils.rfoadegch, reffils.rfoadedrt, reffils.rfoadenum, reffils.rfoadeden, reffils.rfoadeniv, reffils.rfoade___rforefide, 'ANA_HORS_CARB_COMB', 1, reffils.rfoade_i_rfodstide, reffils.rfoade_s_rfodstide, reffils.rfoadetxt, reffils.rfoadenpm, reffils.rfoadeord, reffils.rfoadeaxe FROM rfoade ref JOIN rfoade reffils ON reffils.rfoade___rforefide = 'CHUL' AND reffils.rfoade___rfovdeide = 'UF_SA' AND reffils.rfoadervs = '1' AND reffils.rfoadegch > ref.rfoadegch AND reffils.rfoadedrt < ref.rfoadedrt WHERE ref.rfoadeniv = 2 AND ref.rfoade___rforefide = 'CHUL' AND ref.rfoade___rfovdeide = 'UF_SA' AND ref.rfoadervs = '1' AND ref.rfoade_i_rfodstide IN (SELECT rfoade_i_rfodstide FROM rfoade cible WHERE rfoade___rforefide = 'CHUL' AND rfoade___rfovdeide = 'ANA_HORS_CARB_COMB' AND rfoadervs = '1') This query means : "I want to create in tree ANA_HORS_CARB_COMB all nodes that are under level 2 of tree UF_SA IF i can found level 2 element in tree ANA_HORS_CARB_COMB) Tree ANA_HORS_CARB_COMB contains 5k lines, tree UF_SA contains 3k lines. The whole table with all trees contains 230k lines. Here the default PLAN : http://explain.depesz.com/s/vnkT I can't show you the EXPLAIN ANALYSE of this query because when it fails, all memory and swap (16G+16G) are used and the query is killed by OOM KILLER by linux. I tried to use : set enable_material = false; I was suspecting the materialize node to generate the problem, here the new plan : http://explain.depesz.com/s/k1Y The query took 2 seconds without any problems But it's not over : i re-enable materialize (set enable_material = true;) I rerun the query and it runs well this time ( same first plan ). So i get back to my real application launching the query on the same database : the query fails badly another time ( same first plan ), using all my memory and being killed. For the moment, i disabling material to run this query in my app, but i quite sure there's something i've missed. If any of you have hint about this situation, i would greatly appreciate ! Thanks for (long) reading ! Souquières Adam |