Re: How clustering for scale out works in PostgreSQL

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On 08/29/2013 07:59 AM, Richard Huxton wrote:
On 29/08/13 13:14, bsreejithin wrote:
I am *expecting 1000+ hits to my PostgreSQL DB* and I doubt my
standalone DB
will be able to handle it.
We are going to need a little more detail here. In a normal environment 
1000+ "hits" isn't that much, even if the hit is generating a dozen 
queries per page.
A more appropriate action would be to consider the amount of transaction 
per second and the type of queries the machine will be doing. You will 
want to look into replication, hot standby as well as read only scaling 
with pgpool-II.

OMG! 1000 hits every year! And "hits" too - not just any type of
query!!!! :-)

Seriously, if you try describing your setup, what queries make up your
"hits" and what you mean by 1000 then there are people on this list who
can tell you what sort of setup you'll need.

While you're away googling though, "replication" is indeed the term you
want. In particular "hot standby" which lets you run read-only queries
on the replicas.
Sarcasm with new recruits to the community is not the way to go.


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