Re: Poor performance on simple queries compared to sql server express

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Thanks for the response.  I reran the query but first ran the statement you provided and set working mem to 2gb.  It ended up taking 133s and group aggregate was still used

Here are the values you asked for:
# - Planner Method Configuration -

#enable_bitmapscan = on
#enable_hashagg = on
#enable_hashjoin = on
#enable_indexscan = on
#enable_indexonlyscan = on
#enable_material = on
#enable_mergejoin = on
#enable_nestloop = on
#enable_seqscan = on
#enable_sort = on
#enable_tidscan = on

# - Planner Cost Constants -

#seq_page_cost = 1.0 # measured on an arbitrary scale
#random_page_cost = 4.0 # same scale as above
#cpu_tuple_cost = 0.01 # same scale as above
#cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.005 # same scale as above
#cpu_operator_cost = 0.0025 # same scale as above
#effective_cache_size = 6000MB

The output of select * from pg_statistics is large...should I attach it as a separate file (not sure if that's allowed on these mailing lists)

The data is ~2.5gb, I can't think of any place I can upload it.  I can provide the columns and data type.  it's a subset of public data from

column_name,                                       datatype,  ordinal position, nullable?
idx integer 1 YES
obligatedamount double precision 2 YES
baseandexercisedoptionsvalue double precision 3 YES
baseandalloptionsvalue double precision 4 YES
maj_fund_agency_cat character varying 5 YES
contractingofficeagencyid character varying 6 YES
contractingofficeid character varying 7 YES
fundingrequestingagencyid character varying 8 YES
fundingrequestingofficeid character varying 9 YES
signeddate date 10 YES
effectivedate date 11 YES
currentcompletiondate date 12 YES
ultimatecompletiondate date 13 YES
lastdatetoorder character varying 14 YES
typeofcontractpricing character varying 15 YES
multiyearcontract character varying 16 YES
vendorname character varying 17 YES
dunsnumber character varying 18 YES
parentdunsnumber character varying 19 YES
psc_cat character varying 20 YES
productorservicecode character varying 21 YES
principalnaicscode character varying 22 YES
piid character varying 23 YES
modnumber character varying 24 YES
fiscal_year character varying 25 YES
idvpiid character varying 26 YES
extentcompeted character varying 27 YES
numberofoffersreceived double precision 28 YES
competitiveprocedures character varying 29 YES
solicitationprocedures character varying 30 YES
evaluatedpreference character varying 31 YES
firm8aflag character varying 32 YES
sdbflag character varying 33 YES
issbacertifiedsmalldisadvantagedbusiness character varying 34 YES
womenownedflag character varying 35 YES
veteranownedflag character varying 36 YES
minorityownedbusinessflag character varying 37 YES
data_source text 38 YES
psc_cd character varying 39 YES

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 9:40 AM, Tomas Vondra <tv@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 26 Srpen 2013, 15:02, Adam Ma'ruf wrote:
> Sure
> I just upgraded to 9.2.4.  The query is:
> SELECT        quebec_four
>             , sierra
>             , SUM(dollaramount) as dollaramount
>   FROM alpha_quebec_echo
>   GROUP BY   quebec_four
>              , sierra
> alpha_quebec_echo has 5,409,743 rows and 39 columns.  Quebec_four and
> sierra are both varchar, dollar amount is a floating point field.  It has
> no indexes (but neither did the mssql express table).  Any other details
> you need?
> Thanks,
> A


It's quite clear why the query is so slow - the plan is using on-disk sort
with ~5M rows, and that's consuming a lot of time (almost 120 seconds).

I'm wondering why it chose the sort in the first place. I'd guess it'll
choose hash aggregate, which does not require sorted input.

Can you try running "set enable_sort = false" and then explain of the query?

If that does not change the plan to "HashAggregate" instead of
"GroupAggregate", please check and post values of enable_* and cost_*

Another question is why it's doing the sort on disk and not in memory. The
explain you've posted shows it requires ~430MB on disk, and in my
experience it usually requires ~3x that much to do the in-memory sort.

I see you've set work_mem=4GB, is that correct? Can you try with a lower
value - say, 1 or 2GB? I'm not sure how this works on Windows, though.
Maybe there's some other limit (and SQL Server is not hitting it, because
it's native Windows application).

Can you prepare a testcase (table structure + data) and post it somewhere?
Or at least the structure, if it's not possible to share the data.

Also, output from "select * from pg_settings" would be helpful.


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