As I see only Windows7 supported ( with EnterpriseDB version of PostgreSQL 9.2 Windows installer )
Have you been tested with PostgreSQL 9.3 rc1 ? same speed ?
and some testing tips:
- modify laptop power settings
- compare disk speeds (laptop vs. desktop )
- ...
2013/8/22 girish subbaramu <gsubbaramu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi,I am running PostgreSQL 9.2.4 on windows 8 , 64 bit operating system , 4GB RAM.A laptop with i3 - 3110M , 2.4 GHZ .The database came bundled with wapp stack 5.4.17-0. We have an php application that serves data from PostgreSQL 9.2.4.The configuration runs with very good performance (3 sec response php + db ) on windows 7 32, 64 bit OS , 4GB RAM (desktops with i3-2100 3.10 GHZ ) .But take around 25 seconds to render on windows 8 , the laptop.I was able to eliminate php , as the performance was as expected. (without DB calls)On the other part the database calls take more than 100 ms for simple queries (Example a table with just 10 row sometimes takes around 126 ms). This information i was able to collect from the pg_log.The php pages have multiple queries in them, a single query works as expected, but running multiple queries in the page causes the db performance to go down. Please note this setup is working fine (3 sec overall including php ) on all windows 7 32, 64 bit OS , desktops.Appreciate help in giving me an direction on how to get to the issue.The db size is 11mb only. Most of the tables have less than 100 rows with appropriate indexes. Some tables have more than 1000 rows , are not queried in the php pages . The super user login is used from php . (Changing super user reserved connections did not help, tried changing shared _buffers and other setting , none of the setting seem to have any effect on the db performance )Following are the variable settings that works fine on on all windows 7 32, 64 bit OS , desktops.
Name Setting allow_system_table_mods off application_name archive_command (disabled) archive_mode off archive_timeout 0 array_nulls on authentication_timeout 1min autovacuum on autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor 0.1 autovacuum_analyze_threshold 50 autovacuum_freeze_max_age 200000000 autovacuum_max_workers 3 autovacuum_naptime 1min autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay 20ms autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit -1 autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor 0.2 autovacuum_vacuum_threshold 50 backslash_quote safe_encoding bgwriter_delay 200ms bgwriter_lru_maxpages 100 bgwriter_lru_multiplier 2 block_size 8192 bonjour off bonjour_name bytea_output escape check_function_bodies on checkpoint_completion_target 0.5 checkpoint_segments 3 checkpoint_timeout 5min checkpoint_warning 30s client_encoding UTF8 client_min_messages notice commit_delay 0 commit_siblings 5 config_file C:/xxxx~2/POSTGR~1/data/postgresql.conf constraint_exclusion partition cpu_index_tuple_cost 0.005 cpu_operator_cost 0.0025 cpu_tuple_cost 0.01 cursor_tuple_fraction 0.1 data_directory C:/xxx~2/POSTGR~1/data DateStyle ISO, MDY db_user_namespace off deadlock_timeout 1s debug_assertions off debug_pretty_print on debug_print_parse off debug_print_plan off debug_print_rewritten off default_statistics_target 100 default_tablespace default_text_search_config pg_catalog.english default_transaction_deferrable off default_transaction_isolation read committed default_transaction_read_only off default_with_oids off dynamic_library_path $libdir effective_cache_size 128MB effective_io_concurrency 0 enable_bitmapscan on enable_hashagg on enable_hashjoin on enable_indexonlyscan on enable_indexscan on enable_material on enable_mergejoin on enable_nestloop on enable_seqscan on enable_sort on enable_tidscan on escape_string_warning on event_source PostgreSQL exit_on_error off external_pid_file extra_float_digits 0 from_collapse_limit 8 fsync on full_page_writes on geqo on geqo_effort 5 geqo_generations 0 geqo_pool_size 0 geqo_seed 0 geqo_selection_bias 2 geqo_threshold 12 gin_fuzzy_search_limit 0 hba_file C:/xxxx~2/POSTGR~1/data/pg_hba.conf hot_standby off hot_standby_feedback off ident_file C:/xxxx~2/POSTGR~1/data/pg_ident.conf ignore_system_indexes off integer_datetimes on IntervalStyle postgres join_collapse_limit 8 krb_caseins_users off krb_server_keyfile krb_srvname postgres lc_collate English_United States.1252 lc_ctype English_United States.1252 lc_messages English_United States.1252 lc_monetary English_United States.1252 lc_numeric English_United States.1252 lc_time English_United States.1252 listen_addresses lo_compat_privileges off local_preload_libraries log_autovacuum_min_duration -1 log_checkpoints off log_connections off log_destination stderr log_directory pg_log log_disconnections off log_duration off log_error_verbosity default log_executor_stats off log_file_mode 0600 log_filename postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log log_hostname off log_line_prefix log_lock_waits off log_min_duration_statement -1 log_min_error_statement error log_min_messages warning log_parser_stats off log_planner_stats off log_rotation_age 1d log_rotation_size 10MB log_statement none log_statement_stats off log_temp_files -1 log_timezone Asia/Calcutta log_truncate_on_rotation off logging_collector on maintenance_work_mem 16MB max_connections 100 max_files_per_process 1000 max_function_args 100 max_identifier_length 63 max_index_keys 32 max_locks_per_transaction 64 max_pred_locks_per_transaction 64 max_prepared_transactions 0 max_stack_depth 2MB max_standby_archive_delay 30s max_standby_streaming_delay 30s max_wal_senders 0 password_encryption on port 5432 post_auth_delay 0 pre_auth_delay 0 quote_all_identifiers off random_page_cost 4 replication_timeout 1min restart_after_crash on search_path "$user",vipl segment_size 1GB seq_page_cost 1 server_encoding UTF8 server_version 9.2.4 server_version_num 90204 session_replication_role origin shared_buffers 1GB shared_preload_libraries sql_inheritance on ssl off ssl_ca_file ssl_cert_file server.crt ssl_ciphers ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH ssl_crl_file ssl_key_file server.key ssl_renegotiation_limit 512MB standard_conforming_strings on statement_timeout 0 stats_temp_directory pg_stat_tmp superuser_reserved_connections 3 synchronize_seqscans on synchronous_commit on synchronous_standby_names syslog_facility none syslog_ident postgres tcp_keepalives_count 0 tcp_keepalives_idle -1 tcp_keepalives_interval -1 temp_buffers 16MB temp_file_limit -1 temp_tablespaces TimeZone Asia/Calcutta timezone_abbreviations Default trace_notify off trace_recovery_messages log trace_sort off track_activities on track_activity_query_size 1024 track_counts on track_functions none track_io_timing off transaction_deferrable off transaction_isolation read committed transaction_read_only off transform_null_equals off unix_socket_directory unix_socket_group unix_socket_permissions 0777 update_process_title on vacuum_cost_delay 0 vacuum_cost_limit 200 vacuum_cost_page_dirty 20 vacuum_cost_page_hit 1 vacuum_cost_page_miss 10 vacuum_defer_cleanup_age 0 vacuum_freeze_min_age 50000000 vacuum_freeze_table_age 150000000 wal_block_size 8192 wal_buffers 16MB wal_keep_segments 0 wal_level minimal wal_receiver_status_interval 10s wal_segment_size 16MB wal_sync_method open_datasync wal_writer_delay 200ms work_mem 512MB xmlbinary base64 xmloption content zero_damaged_pages off ThanksGirish Subbaramu.