I guess this is not a performance question... What kind of question would it be? Admin, General or SQL?
2013/8/13 Daniel Cristian Cruz <danielcristian@xxxxxxxxx>
Hello,I'm trying to simplify a schema, where I had many ranges floating around. My idea is to put them all in an array field and query like this:SELECTevent.*FROM eventJOIN participant_detailsUSING (participant_id)WHEREtsrange(event.start, event.end) && ANY (participant_details.periods);
periods is tsrange[].I've tryed and it worked, but without indexes. I've tried something, but didn't found anything... Does someone know how to index this kind of field (tsrange[])?From the docs I learn that there is some GIST magic, but I would need to code in C. Is that true?Regards,--
Daniel Cristian Cruz
クルズ クリスチアン ダニエル
Daniel Cristian Cruz
クルズ クリスチアン ダニエル