Re: Performance of complicated query

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On 05/23/2013 10:19 AM, Jonathan Morra wrote:
I am fairly new to squeezing performance out of Postgres, but I hope this mailing list can help me. I have read the instructions found at and have tried to abide by them the best that I can. I am running "PostgreSQL 9.1.7, compiled by Visual C++ build 1500, 64-bit" on an x64 Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 machine with 8 GB of RAM.

I'm not sure under what constraints you are operating but you will find most people on the list will recommend running live systems on Linux/Unix for a variety of reasons.

  OWNER TO postgres;

To avoid future grief you should set up a user (see CREATE ROLE...) for your database that is not the cluster superuser (postgres). I assume you set up a database (see CREATE DATABASE...) for your app. The base databases (postgres, template*) should be used for administrative purposes only.

Ultimately what I want to do is to find a sum of values for each patient. The scenario is that each patient is assigned a device and they get incremental values on their device. Since these values are incremental if a patient never switches devices, the reported value should be the last value for a patient. However, if a patient switches devices then the reported value should be the sum of the last value for each device that the patient was assigned.

I'm afraid I'm a bit confused about what you are after due to switching between "sum" and "last".

It sounds like a patient is issued a device which takes a number of readings. Do you want the sum of those readings for a given patient across all devices they have been issued, the sum of readings for a specific device, the most recent reading for a specific patient regardless of which device was in use for that reading, or the sum of the most recent readings on each device issued to a specific patient?

Are you looking to generate a report across all patients/devices or lookup information on a specific patient or device?


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