Re: Effect of the WindowAgg on the Nested Loop

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On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Виктор Егоров <vyegorov@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Greetings.
> I've been playing with a small query that I've been asked to optimize
> and noticed a strange (for me) effect.
> Query uses this table:
>                                    Table "clc06_tiles"
>    Column   |         Type          |
> Modifiers
> ------------+-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------
>  geometry   | geometry              |
>  code_06    | character varying(3)  |
>  gid        | bigint                | not null default
> nextval('clc06_tiles_gid_seq'::regclass)
> Indexes:
>     "clc06_tiles_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gid)
>     "i_clc06_tiles_geometry" gist (geometry)
> Check constraints:
>     "enforce_dims_geom" CHECK (st_ndims(geometry) = 2)
>     "enforce_geotype_geom" CHECK (geometrytype(geometry) =
> 'MULTIPOLYGON'::text OR geometrytype(geometry) = 'POLYGON'::text OR
> geometry IS NULL)
>     "enforce_srid_geom" CHECK (st_srid(geometry) = 3035)
> and this function:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_trans(x1 float8, y1 float8, x2 float8,
> y2 float8) RETURNS geometry AS $my_trans$
>     SELECT st_Transform(
>         st_GeomFromText('LINESTRING('||x1::text||' '||y1::text||
>                          ', '||x2::text||' '||y2::text||')',4326),3035);
> and these constants:
> \set x1 4.56
> \set y1 52.54
> \set x2 5.08
> \set y2 53.34
> Original query looks like this ( ):
> SELECT n, i.*, st_NumGeometries(i.geom)
>   FROM (
>     SELECT a.code_06 as code_06,
>            st_Multi(st_Intersection(a.geometry,
> my_trans(:x1,:y1,:x2,:y2))) as geom
>       FROM clc06_tiles a
>      WHERE st_Intersects(a.geometry, my_trans(:x1,:y1,:x2,:y2))) i
>   JOIN generate_series(1,10) n ON n <= st_NumGeometries(i.geom);
> After a while I added row_number() to the inner part (
> ):
> SELECT n, i.*, st_NumGeometries(i.geom)
>   FROM (
>     SELECT row_number() OVER () AS rn, a.code_06 as code_06,
>            st_Multi(st_Intersection(a.geometry,
> my_trans(:x1,:y1,:x2,:y2))) as geom
>       FROM clc06_tiles a
>      WHERE st_Intersects(a.geometry, my_trans(:x1,:y1,:x2,:y2))) i
>   JOIN generate_series(1,10) n ON n <= st_NumGeometries(i.geom);
> It was really surprising to see a "side" effect of 8x performance boost.
> The only difference I can see is an extra WindowAgg step in the second variant.
> Could you kindly explain how WindowAgg node affects the overall
> performance, please?

Apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but I just came across this
post while doing some research and I don't see any responses.

This seems like a mighty interesting example.  I'm not sure what's
going on here, but let me guess.  I think that the WindowAgg is
forcing some operation - detoasting, maybe? - to happen under the
materialize node.  As a result, it only gets done once.  But in the
other plan, the detoast happens at the nested loop level, above the
materialize node, and therefore it happens 10x instead of 1x.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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