Re: sniff test on some PG 8.4 numbers

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On 3/5/13 10:00 PM, Jon Nelson wrote:
On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 1:35 PM, Jon Nelson <jnelson+pgsql@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
pgbench -h BLAH -c 32 -M prepared -t 100000 -S
I get 95,000 to 100,000 tps.

pgbench -h BLAH -c 32 -M prepared -t 100000
seems to hover around 6,200 tps (size 100) to 13,700 (size 400)
Some followup:
The read test goes (up to) 133K tps, and the read-write test to 22k
tps when performed over localhost.
All your write numbers are inflated because the test is too short.  This 
hardware will be lucky to sustain 7500 TPS on writes.  But you're only 
writing 100,000 transactions, which means the entire test run isn't even 
hitting the database--only the WAL writes are.  When your test run is 
finished, look at /proc/meminfo  I'd wager a large sum you'll find 
"Dirty:" has hundreds of megabytes, if not gigabytes, of unwritten 
information.  Basically, 100,000 writes on this sort of server can all 
be cached in Linux's write cache, and pgbench won't force them out of 
there.  So you're not simulating sustained database writes, only how 
fast of a burst the server can handle for a little bit.
For a write test, you must run for long enough to start and complete a 
checkpoint before the numbers are of any use, and 2 checkpoints are even 
better.  The minimum useful length is a 10 minute run, so "-T 600" 
instead of using -t.  If you want something that does every trick 
possible to make it hard to cheat at this, as well as letting you graph 
size and client data, try my pgbench-tools:  (Note that there is a bug in 
that program right now, it spawns vmstat and iostat processes but they 
don't get killed at the end correctly.  "killall vmstat iostat" after 
running is a good idea until I fix that).
Your read test numbers are similarly inflated, but read test errors 
aren't as large.  Around 133K TPS on select-only is probably accurate. 
For a read test, use "-T 30" to let it run for 30 seconds to get a more 
accurate number.  The read read bottleneck on your hardware is going to 
be the pgbench client itself, which on 8.4 is running as a single 
thread.  On 9.0+ you can have multiple pgbench workers.  It normally 
takes 4 to 8 of them to saturate a larger server.
I hope you're not considering deploying a new application with 8.4. 
Take a look at and you'll 
see 8.4 only has a little over a year before it won't get bug fixes 
anymore.  Also, your server would really appreciate the performance 
gains added to 9.2.  If that's a bit too leading edge for you, I don't 
recommend deploying at version below 9.1 anymore.
Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant US    greg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support

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