I have a server that is IO-bound right now (it's 4 cores, and top
indicates the use rarely hits 25%, but the Wait spikes above 25-40%
regularly). The server is running postgresql 9.0 and tomcat 6. As I
have mentioned in a previous thread, I can't alter the hardware to add
disks unfortunately, so I'm going to try and move postgresql off this
application server to its own host, but this is a production
environment, so in the meantime...
Is it possible that some spikes in IO could be attributable to the
autovacuum process? Is there a way to check this theory?
Would it be advisable (or even permissible to try/test) to disable
autovacuum, and schedule a manual vacuumdb in the middle of the night,
when this server is mostly-idle?
Thanks for any tips. I'm in a bit of a jam with my limited hardware.
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