FW: performance issue with a 2.5gb joinded table

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Hi Listers,


we migrated an oracle datawarehouse to postgresql 9.1 ( ppas ) and are facing massive issues with response times in postgres when compared to the oracle system. Both database run on the same hardware and storage ( rhel5.8 64bit ).


Oracle memory parameters are:




Postgres currently runs with 15gb of shared buffers ( that’s because the big table in question is around 2.5gb in size and one suggestion was to increase that much so postgresql will cache the complete table. and this is the case now ).


explain (analyze,buffers) SELECT test1.slsales_batch

     , test1.slsales_checksum

     , test1.slsales_reg_id

     , test1.slsales_prod_id

     , test1.slsales_date_id

     , test1.slsales_pos_id

     , test1.slsales_amt_sales_gross

     , test1.slsales_amt_sales_discount

     , test1.slsales_units_sales_gross

     , test1.slsales_amt_returns

     , test1.slsales_amt_returns_discount

     , test1.slsales_units_returns

     , (test1.slsales_amt_sales_gross - test1.slsales_amt_returns)

         * mgmt_fact_winratio.winratio_ratio AS slsales_amt_est_winnings

     , mgmt_fact_winratio.winratio_ratio AS slsales_ratio

  FROM mgmtt_own.test1

   LEFT JOIN mgmtt_own.mgmt_fact_winratio

             ON mgmt_fact_winratio.winratio_date_id = test1.slsales_date_id


Oracle’s explain plan looks like this:



| Id  | Operation             | Name               | Rows  | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time     |


|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT      |                    |    25M|  1527M|       |   115K  (3)| 00:23:10 |

|*  1 |  HASH JOIN RIGHT OUTER|                    |    25M|  1527M|  4376K|   115K  (3)| 00:23:10 |

|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL   | MGMT_FACT_WINRATIO |   159K|  2498K|       |   167   (5)| 00:00:03 |

|   3 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL   | TEST1              |    25M|  1139M|       | 43435   (5)| 00:08:42 |


Predicate Information (identified by operation id):





Somehow oracle seems to know that a right join is the better way to go.


Postgres’s explain plan:


                                                                   QUERY PLAN


Hash Left Join  (cost=3948.52..13646089.21 rows=25262160 width=61) (actual time=260.642..81240.692 rows=25262549 loops=1)

   Hash Cond: ((test1.slsales_date_id = mgmt_fact_winratio.winratio_date_id) AND (test1.slsales_prod_id = mgmt_fact_winratio.winratio_prod_id))

   Buffers: shared hit=306590

   ->  Seq Scan on test1  (cost=0.00..254148.75 rows=25262160 width=56) (actual time=0.009..15674.535 rows=25262161 loops=1)

         Buffers: shared hit=305430

   ->  Hash  (cost=1582.89..1582.89 rows=157709 width=19) (actual time=260.564..260.564 rows=157709 loops=1)

         Buckets: 16384  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 7855kB

         Buffers: shared hit=1160

         ->  Seq Scan on mgmt_fact_winratio  (cost=0.00..1582.89 rows=157709 width=19) (actual time=0.008..114.406 rows=157709 loops=1)

               Buffers: shared hit=1160

Total runtime: 95762.025 ms

(11 rows)


Tried to modify the statement according to oracle’s plan, but this did not help:


explain (analyze,buffers) SELECT test1.slsales_batch

     , test1.slsales_checksum

     , test1.slsales_reg_id

     , test1.slsales_prod_id

     , test1.slsales_date_id

     , test1.slsales_pos_id

     , test1.slsales_amt_sales_gross

     , test1.slsales_amt_sales_discount

     , test1.slsales_units_sales_gross

     , test1.slsales_amt_returns

     , test1.slsales_amt_returns_discount

     , test1.slsales_units_returns

     , (test1.slsales_amt_sales_gross - test1.slsales_amt_returns)

         * mgmt_fact_winratio.winratio_ratio AS slsales_amt_est_winnings

     , mgmt_fact_winratio.winratio_ratio AS slsales_ratio

  FROM mgmtt_own.test1

     , mgmtt_own.mgmt_fact_winratio

 WHERE mgmt_fact_winratio.winratio_prod_id(+) = test1.slsales_prod_id

   AND mgmt_fact_winratio.winratio_date_id(+) = test1.slsales_date_id


                                                                  QUERY PLAN


Hash Left Join  (cost=3948.52..13646089.21 rows=25262160 width=61) (actual time=276.605..80629.400 rows=25262549 loops=1)

   Hash Cond: ((test1.slsales_prod_id = mgmt_fact_winratio.winratio_prod_id) AND (test1.slsales_date_id = mgmt_fact_winratio.winratio_date_id))

   Buffers: shared hit=306590

   ->  Seq Scan on test1  (cost=0.00..254148.75 rows=25262160 width=56) (actual time=0.009..15495.167 rows=25262161 loops=1)

         Buffers: shared hit=305430

   ->  Hash  (cost=1582.89..1582.89 rows=157709 width=19) (actual time=276.515..276.515 rows=157709 loops=1)

         Buckets: 16384  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 7855kB

         Buffers: shared hit=1160

         ->  Seq Scan on mgmt_fact_winratio  (cost=0.00..1582.89 rows=157709 width=19) (actual time=0.009..119.930 rows=157709 loops=1)

               Buffers: shared hit=1160

Total runtime: 95011.401 ms


Parameters changed:

default_statistics_target =1000

enable_mergejoin=false  ( when enabled query takes even longer )




vacuumed the whole database and currently there is no data coming in, so everything is up to date.


What additionally makes me wonder is, that the same table in oracle is taking much less space than in postgresql:


SQL> select  sum(bytes) from dba_extents where segment_name = 'TEST1';





select pg_relation_size('mgmtt_own.test1');




(1 row)


(sysdba@[local]:7777) [bi_dwht] > \d+ mgmtt_own.test1

                             Table "mgmtt_own.test1"

            Column            |     Type      | Modifiers | Storage | Description


slsales_batch                | numeric(8,0)  |           | main    |

slsales_checksum             | numeric(8,0)  |           | main    |

slsales_reg_id               | numeric(8,0)  |           | main    |

slsales_prod_id              | numeric(8,0)  |           | main    |

slsales_date_id              | numeric(8,0)  |           | main    |

slsales_pos_id               | numeric(8,0)  |           | main    |

slsales_amt_sales_gross      | numeric(16,6) |           | main    |

slsales_amt_sales_discount   | numeric(16,6) |           | main    |

slsales_units_sales_gross    | numeric(8,0)  |           | main    |

slsales_amt_returns          | numeric(16,6) |           | main    |

slsales_amt_returns_discount | numeric(16,6) |           | main    |

slsales_units_returns        | numeric(8,0)  |           | main    |

slsales_amt_est_winnings     | numeric(16,6) |           | main    |


    "itest1" btree (slsales_date_id) CLUSTER, tablespace "mgmtt_idx"

    "itest2" btree (slsales_prod_id), tablespace "mgmtt_idx"

Has OIDs: no

Tablespace: "mgmtt_dat"


Although the plan seems to be ok because most of the table must be read 95 secs compared to 23 secs will be a killer for the project.


Any hints what else could be checked/done ?


Kind Regards







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