Re: Tons of free RAM. Can't make it go away.

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On 10/27/2012 10:49 PM, Віталій Тимчишин wrote:

It can be that some query(s) use a lot of work mem, either because of
high work_mem setting or because of planner error. In this case the
moment query runs it will need memory that will later be returned and
become free. Usually this can be seen as active memory spike with a lot
of free memory after.
Yeah, I had briefly considered that. But our work-mem is only 16MB, and
even a giant query would have trouble allocating 10+GB with that size of
work-mem buckets.

That's why I later listed the numa info. In our case, processor 0 is
heavily unbalanced with its memory accesses compared to processor 1. I
think the theory that we didn't start with interleave put an 8GB (our
shared_buffers) segment all on processor 0, which unbalanced a lot of
other stuff.

Of course, that leaves 4-6GB unaccounted for. And numactl still shows a
heavy preference for freeing memory from proc 0. It seems to only do it
on this node, so we're going to switch nodes soon and see if the problem
reappears. We may have to perform a node hardware audit if this persists.

Thanks for your input, though. :)

Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604


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