I have a small monitoring query on the following tables:
select relname,relpages,reltuples::numeric(12) from pg_class where relname in ('meta_version','account') order by 1;
relname | relpages | reltuples
account | 3235 | 197723
meta_version | 710068 | 32561200
(2 rows)
The logical “body” of the query is:
select count(*) from meta_version where account_id in (select account_id from account where customer_id = 8608064);
I know that due to the data distribution (above customer's accounts are used in 45% of the meta_version table) I
cannot expect fast results. But I have another question.
With default default_statistics_target I get the following plan:
In order to get better estimates, I've increased statistics targets to 200 for account.customer_id and meta_version.account_id.
Now I have the following plan:
Second query takes twice more time.
My questions are:
- why with better statistics planner chooses to do a SeqScan in favor of BitmapIndexScan inside the NestedLoops?
- is it possible to adjust this decision by changing other GUCs, perhaps costs?
- would it be correct to adjust seq_page_cost and random_page_cost based on the IOPS of the underlying disks?
any other metrics should be considered?
I'm running on a:
name | current_setting
version | PostgreSQL 9.1.6 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-52), 64-bit
archive_command | test ! -f $PG_WAL/%f && cp %p $PG_WAL/%f
archive_mode | on
bgwriter_delay | 50ms
bgwriter_lru_maxpages | 200
checkpoint_segments | 25
checkpoint_timeout | 30min
client_encoding | UTF8
effective_cache_size | 8GB
hot_standby | on
lc_collate | en_US.UTF-8
lc_ctype | en_US.UTF-8
listen_addresses | *
log_checkpoints | on
log_connections | on
log_destination | csvlog
log_directory | ../../log/CLUSTER
log_disconnections | on
log_file_mode | 0640
log_filename | pg-%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.log
log_line_prefix | %u:%d:%a:%h:%c:%x:%t>
log_lock_waits | on
log_min_duration_statement | 300ms
log_rotation_age | 1d
log_rotation_size | 0
log_temp_files | 20MB
logging_collector | on
maintenance_work_mem | 512MB
max_connections | 200
max_prepared_transactions | 0
max_stack_depth | 2MB
max_wal_senders | 2
port | 9120
server_encoding | UTF8
shared_buffers | 5GB
silent_mode | on
ssl | on
ssl_renegotiation_limit | 0
tcp_keepalives_idle | 0
temp_buffers | 256MB
TimeZone | US/Eastern
wal_buffers | 512kB
wal_keep_segments | 0
wal_level | hot_standby
wal_sender_delay | 1s
work_mem | 32MB
Victor Y. Yegorov