Regards, Ross. Dimitri Fontaine gave a excellent talk in the last PgCon about the migration of Fotolog from MySQL to PostgreSQL with amazing advices around this, so you can contact him for his advice. On 09/13/2012 02:11 PM, Ross Reedstrom
It depends of many factors:Hey PostgreSQL speed demons - At work, we're considering an AppScale deployment (that's the Google App Engine roll-your-own It supports multiple technologies to back the datastore part of the platform (HBase, Hypertable, MySQL Cluster, Cassandra, Voldemort, MongoDB, MemcacheDB, Redis). Oddly enough, in performance tests, the MySQL Cluster seems like the general winner (their tests, we haven't done any yet) So, my immediate thought was "How hard would it be to replace the MySQL Cluster bit w/ PostgreSQL?" I'm thinking hot standby/streaming rep. May or may not need a pooling solution in there as well (I need to look at the AppScale abstraction code, it may already be doing the pooling/direction bit.) - size of the MySQL cluster - size of the involving data, etc For the pooling solution, I recommend you to see PgBouncer, it´s a great project widely used for this topic. Best wishesAny thoughts from those with more experience using/building PostgreSQL clusters? Replacing MySQL Cluster? Clearly they must be using a subset of functionality, since they support so many different backend stores. I'll probably have to set up an instance of all this, run some example apps, and see what's actually stored to get a handle on it. The GAE api for the datastore is sort of a ORM, w/ yet another query language, that seems to map to SQL better than to NoSQL, in any case. There seems to be a fairly explicit exposure of a table==class sort of mapping. Ross --
Marcos Luis Ortíz Valmaseda |