On 24/07/2012 14:51, Laszlo Nagy wrote:
> Hello,
> Under FreeBSD 9, what filesystem should I use for PostgreSQL? (Dell
> PowerEdge 2900, 24G mem, 10x2T SATA2 disk, Intel RAID controller.)
> * ZFS is journaled, and it is more independent of the hardware. So if
> the computer goes wrong, I can move the zfs array to a different server.
> * UFS is not journaled. Also I have to rely on the RAID card to build
> the RAID array. If there is a hw problem with it, then I won't be
> able to recover the data easily.
> I wonder if UFS has better performance or not. Or can you suggest
> another fs? Just of the PGDATA directory.
Relying on physically moving a disk isn't a good backup/recovery strategy. Disks are the least reliable single component in a modern computer. You should figure out the best file system for your application, and separately figure out a recovery strategy, one that can survive the failure of *any* component in your system, including the disk itself.