On 20/07/2012 22:33, Claudio Freire
Here is the index:On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 6:27 PM, Ioannis Anagnostopoulos <ioannis@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:On 20/07/2012 22:23, Claudio Freire wrote:On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 6:19 PM, Ioannis Anagnostopoulos <ioannis@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:" -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..20942.93 rows=53 width=144) (actual time=62.174..17783236.718 rows=387105 loops=1)" " Join Filter: (feed_all_y2012m07.message_copies.msg_id = feed_all_y2012m07.ship_pos_messages.msg_id)" " -> Append (cost=0.00..19057.93 rows=53 width=33) (actual time=62.124..5486473.545 rows=387524 loops=1)"Misestimated row counts... did you try running an analyze, or upping statistic targets?I have run analyse every so often. I think the problem is that as I get 16K new rows every minutes, the "stats" are always out... Possible?Looking at this: " -> Index Scan using idx_message_copies_wk2_date_src_pos_partial on message_copies_wk2 message_copies (cost=0.00..19057.93 rows=52 width=32) (actual time=62.124..5486270.845 rows=387524 loops=1)" " Index Cond: ((date_trunc('day'::text, msg_date_rec) = '2012-07-17 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (src_id = 1))" " Filter: ((date_part('day'::text, msg_date_rec) = 17::double precision) AND (NOT (((((pos_georef1)::text || (pos_georef2)::text) || (pos_georef3)::text) || (pos_georef4)::text) IS NULL)) AND (((((pos_georef1)::text || (pos_georef2)::text) || (pos_georef3)::text) || (pos_georef4)::text) <> ''::text))" It's very possible. I think pg 9.1 had a fix for that, but I'm not sure it will help in your case, I'd have to know what that index looks like. CREATE INDEX idx_message_copies_wk2_date_src_pos_partial ON feed_all_y2012m07.message_copies_wk2 USING btree (date_trunc('day'::text, msg_date_rec), src_id, (((pos_georef1::text || pos_georef2::text) || pos_georef3::text) || pos_georef4::text)) TABLESPACE archive WHERE (((pos_georef1::text || pos_georef2::text) || pos_georef3::text) || pos_georef4::text) IS NOT NULL OR NOT (((pos_georef1::text || pos_georef2::text) || pos_georef3::text) || pos_georef4::text) = ''::text; |